Chapter 52

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The next morning, TJ was already awake. You opened your eyes and looked around the room, where did he go? Getting out of bed, you make your way downstairs... no TJ. Descending down another level, you hear music coming from his gaming cave.

TJ was too busy focusing on his punching bag that he didn't even here you walk in. Walking over to the phone with a speaker attached, you paused his workout song. He stopped punching and looked over at the problem.

"Morning," you said grinning.

"Oh, it was you. Morning, I thought my song messed up," TJ walking over to you.

He pecked your lips and ruffled your morning hair. You pouted at him because he messed up your gorgeous morning bed head. He laughed and walked to the middle of the room laying down on the floor, stomach down.

You sat down in front of him and watched him do push-ups. So this is his morning workout? He told you he does around 50 push-ups every morning, and right now he was at 25. He stopped midway and set his knees down saying he was getting "tired", but knowing him... it was an act.

"I don't think I can keep going," TJ said.

You chuckled, "Is that so? I thought you were strong, 50 push-ups should be nothing for you."

He smiled at the floor, "It's hard when you have someone watching."

You smiled and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, so now I'm a distraction?"

He chuckled, "Maybe."

You lightly hit his head and laughed. He got back into push up position and stayed there.

"What? Did you forget how to do a push-up," you questioned.

"No. I need the motivation to finish the last 25," he said.

You laughed at him and laid down. You turned around so you were upside down to TJ, he smiled and started doing more push-ups, but every time he came down he pecked your lips for "extra" motivation. I'm not gonna lie, this is the cheesiest but most effective way to kiss him, you thought. TJ added about ten more push-ups to his set just to kiss you more. After 60 unnecessary push-ups, he finished then sat down for sit-ups.

"Wanna help me," TJ asked.

You smirked, "Another excuse to kiss me?"

He scoffed, "No..... yes."

You giggled and kneeled on his feet to hold them down. TJ started slowly just to tease you, and you rolled your eyes because you didn't want to play this game. TJ started to go a little faster, but for revenge, you moved back every time he sat up to meet you.

"Are you really gonna do that to me," TJ asked.

"Yes, because you did it to me," you said.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

He laid back down and started again, but you met him when he sat back up. You got him first by surprise which took him off guard. After that, he pecked your lips every time he sat up, which was about 50 times.

When he finished his work out, which was sit-ups, he sat up and looked at you.

"I could use your motivation every time I work out," TJ said.

You smiled, "Well enjoy it while it last, because WWE could call me any day to come back to TV."

He pouted, "They can't take you away yet."

You chuckled, "It's not my choice, it's theirs."

He nodded and looked back up to your eyes. You smiled at him and played with his hands. TJ moved his hands away from yours and moved them up towards your head. His hands rested beside your head, his fingers dug into your hair, and his thumbs rested on your cheeks.

He smiled back at you, "No matter where you go or when you leave, I will always love you."

You smiled again, "I love you too."

He pulled you towards him and locked his lips with yours. Fireworks were shooting inside your body as both pairs moved in sync. TJ broke the kiss and rested his head on yours, you couldn't stop smiling because you loved it every time he kissed you.


Around the afternoon, TJ cleaned himself off from all the sweat after his morning workout. You sat in the living room waiting for him because he was gonna drive you to your parent's place to grab your bags and bring them to his place.

"Ready to go," TJ said jumping off the stairs.

"Yeah," you said getting up.

TJ drove to your parent's house and pulled up after a thirty-minute drive. The car stopped at the house and you got out with TJ right behind you. You unlocked the door and called for your parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home," you called.

Your mom walked in from the kitchen, "Hey. What are you doing here?"

You hugged her, "We just came by to say hi and to get my stuff from my room."

She nodded, "Did WWE call you?"

You shook your head, "No, TJ said it was cool if I wanted to stay at his place until then."

She smiled, "That's okay with me. I knew it was a matter of time."

You pouted at her, "Mom... I'm not moving far away, I'm just gonna be staying at TJ's house. It's no big deal, I'm 21 years-old, not 18 years-old going off to college."

She laughed, "I know that. Go get your stuff and live your life the way you want to."

You laughed and went upstairs to your room, TJ stayed in the living room with your mom and talked while you packed up everything.

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