Chapter 89

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A few weeks later:

A few weeks passed by and it was just another day in WWE. Your entire day consisted of an interview and a live show here in Kansas City, Missouri.

You woke up in your hotel room with TJ already missing. Where does this boy disappear too? You wanted to worry, but it's TJ, he's a grown man and he can go wherever he wants too... as long as it's nothing bad. Your interview was in two hours so you went ahead and got ready for the day. You went with a classic hipster look, nothing to fancy since it was a radio interview.

You straightened your hair and applied a little bit of makeup. Growing up, your mom always said you looked beautiful without makeup, but just a little bit sent you to the "Goddess" status according to your mom. Working for WWE, they always want you to look "good" for the WWE Universe no matter where you were, but in reality, WWE wants you to look "fancy" for the fans.


On your way to the interview, TJ texted you and asked where you were. You texted him back told him where you were going and that you were going to see him tonight at the live show.

The car pulled up to the radio building and parked. You thanked the driver and told him to be back in an hour or so you take you back to the hotel.



Interviewer: Hello and good morning to my devoted listeners out there, my name is Drew Anderson and we have a special treat for you today! Today in the studio, we have the most amazing, beautiful, talented, hard-working, and badass woman in the wrestling world! I have the pleasure of interviewing former WWE Divas Champion, Y/N a.k.a Y/R/N. So without further ado, please welcome Y/N.

You: Hey, Drew! Thank you for having me, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Drew: No, it's a pleasure to meet you. How are you today?

You: I'm great, how are you?

Drew: I'm awesome, I can't wait to get to know you more and for the listeners to get to know you more than what we already know or what we might know.

You: Let's get to know me better shall we?

Drew: We shall. Now, you were born and raised in Los Angeles, you started wrestling around 18 years-old, you were champion in FCW, NXT, and WWE. How has your life changed since childhood?

You: Oh gosh, my life has changed a lot now that you say that. I grew up in Los Angeles, I had a normal childhood, went to school, went to college, next thing you know I'm wrestling for WWE. Nothing too crazy happened in my life pretty much, I'm just living a normal life and I have a boring one. *you laughed*

Drew: It's never a boring life for a wrestler I'll tell you that.

You: Exactly.

Drew: You mentioned before in a self-made interview that you've been wrestling for four or five years. How did you go from an independent wrestler to a WWE Superstar? What was that process like?

You: Well, I didn't bounce around from indy show to indy show. I worked for AWN, All Wrestling National, for a couple of months then I moved to Florida because I had heard about FCW and I was thinking, "Man, I can move to Florida and get a better deal with them than I did with AWN." Within a few years of working for FCW, WWE came in and bought the place and turned it into NXT.

Drew: Y/N, you've been friends with fellow WWE Diva, Paige. How did you meet her and how has she changed your life because you two are so close, I sometimes mistake you two as sisters.

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