Chapter 48

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The crowd of fans were by the barricades outside cheering, shouting, and yelling like normal. You were far away from the crowd because you didn't wanna get swallowed by the sea of fangirls. The crowd wasn't leaving anytime soon, so you took your chance and stood at the end of the barricade.

TJ finally got out of the locker room and spotted you at the end of the outside barricades. He waved at you and motioned for you to jump over the metal railing, the security guards there knew you were waiting for him, so they didn't care much. You hugged TJ and the girls behind you all cheered louder and awed at the young couple.

Both of you got to his car and jumped in. TJ smiled and gazed at the large crowd cheering and chanting.

"They usually leave after ten minutes, but it's been thirty," TJ said chuckling.

You looked at the crowd as well, "I know. I thought I was gonna be eaten alive by the crowd."

Both of you laughed and looked at each other. "What do you wanna do," TJ asked.

"I don't know? What are you feeling," you asked.

"Go eat somewhere then go to my place," he questioned.

"Um... how about we order food at your place," you replied.

He nodded, "Sounds good to me."


Your POV:

We arrived at his place and went inside. TJ ordered a pizza and went upstairs to clean himself off. I sat on his couch in the living room scrolling through social media and texting friends.

TJ entered the living room and laid down on the couch where I was. He placed his head on my lap and stared at me. I put my phone down and looked at him.

"What," I asked him quietly.

He smiled, "Nothing."

I ran my fingers through his wet hair, which was soothing to him. He closed his eyes while I was messing with his hair, I smiled at him. The whole house was quiet, music wasn't playing, and the TV wasn't on... it was nothing but silence.

"I missed you," he said in a low voice.

"I missed you too," I replied in a low voice.

I stopped playing with his hair because he was gonna fall asleep soon if I kept going. He pouted like a baby and sat up. I stood up from the couch to take my shoes off, but his hand caught mine.

"Where are you going," he asked.

"I'm gonna take my shoes off and put them by the front door," I replied.

"Just kick them off here," he said still holding onto my hand.

"No, I don't wanna dirty up your carpet," I said pulling on his hand.

He released my hand and pouted, "Come back."

I smirked, "Make me."

He smirked back, "Is that a challenge?"

I nodded and walked away from him. Placing my shoes by the front door, I felt a presence behind me. Turning around slowly, TJ was standing there smirking.

"What are you doing," I questioned with caution.

"I told you to sit back down, you said 'make me'... so I found that as a challenge," he said lingering closer to me.

I started getting nervous, I don't know all of what TJ's capable of, so I have a right to be nervous. My back touched the door, I swallowed hard and looked at him with scared eyes. He smiled and held my waist. I wanted to ask him what he was going to do, but it was too late for that. TJ picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I started punching his back and kicking my legs.

We went up the stairs back to the living room. He walked over to the couch and slammed me into the couch. I screamed when my back his the cushions, he laughed and hovered me blocking my escape.

I tried to get up, but TJ held me back down. "You're not going anywhere," he said laughing.

I smiled back with evil intentions, "And what if I do?"

He smiled back, "Then I'll fight you."

I wanted to test his promise, so I tried to sit up swiftly, but with another swift motion, TJ pinned me back on the couch. His face hovered over mine with a smirk on his face, this smirk wasn't the normal one but his "Playboy" smirk. I waited for his next move, and he took that opportunity. He inched closer and closer to me and locked his lips on mine. I guess this was his way of fighting me? I'm okay with this.

He pulled away and looked into my sparkling eyes, "You don't know how long I waited to kiss you again."

I blushed, "I'm here now... so what's stopping you?"

He smiled and leaned back in. Our lips molded together again, waiting six months for his kiss was six months too long. The pizza was still on its way, so to fill up the time... TJ and I were still on the couch kissing and smiling in between. He switched back and forth from long kisses to pecks. He would peck my lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead. The night was perfect, I was back in TJ's arms after so long and it couldn't get any better.

After fifteen minutes, the doorbell rang. TJ sat back up and ran his hand over his hair. I sat up and looked towards the stairs, who's at the door? He stood up and went downstairs to answer the door. A minute later, TJ came back up with a large cardboard box in hand.

"Oh... I forgot we ordered pizza," I asked standing up.

"I was about to forget as well," he said placing the pizza on the coffee table.

TJ told me to sit back down while he went to get plates for the pizza. He set them down and turned on the TV. The channel was set on FOX SPORTS with the LA Dodgers playing, the game was just starting so nothing good was missed. We sat on the couch next to each other eating pizza and watching baseball, this couldn't be any better.

End of POV


Y/N and I sat on the couch watching the LA Dodgers. We watched the game with our eyes glued to the screen and pizza in our mouths. You couldn't ask for anything better. I'm glad Y/N's back and that I can have her again in my arms.

The game reached the top of the fifth inning, and the Dodgers were winning. The game was getting intense was the points bounced back and forth. We finished the pizza, and Y/N was laying in my arms. I hugged her from behind since she was leaning on me on my side of the couch, and continued watching the game.

"Have you been to a Dodger's game," I asked her.

"No," she replied.

I was shocked, "What? You grew up in LA all your life, and you've never been to a Dodger's game?"

She nodded her head, "I know... it's crazy. I want to go to a game one day, but I never had enough money to treat myself to anything fun."

"Well luckily you have me, so we can do that one day," I told her.

She sat up and turned her head towards me, "What? You're gonna take me to a Dodger's game?"

I shrugged my shoulder, "Why not? Everyone deserves to go to at least one sporting event that's not wrestling."

She nodded and laid back down on me. I took her hand in mine as the game was coming to an end soon. I smiled down at her, six months away from you is something I never want to endure again.

The game ended with Dodger's taking the win. I turned off the TV and looked down at Y/N. She was asleep... she must've been tired. I didn't want to wake her up, so being the good guy that I am, I stayed on the couch with her and fell asleep. I laid my head back on a pillow that was behind me, I'm surprised I found a comfortable position on my couch without moving around. My eyes fell as the darkness took over, goodnight Y/N.

End of POV

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