Chapter 90

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Months later:

Months went by in the world of WWE. There were a lot of changes happening and new faces entering the main roster. You were still title-less, TJ had lost his Cruiserweight Championship to Brian Kendrick at Hell in a Cell (who lost it to Rich Swann, who lost it to Neville. I think that was the order of title holders?), and Paige is currently the Divas Champion.

The women's division was getting tougher by the day and the men were trying to be better than they were yesterday. Paige had a match against Alicia Fox, you had a match against Becky Lynch, and TJ wasn't on TV this week or the next few weeks.


After Raw was over, TJ and you hopped into his car and drove to the next town which is Seattle, Washington. During the car ride, TJ and you were talking about Raw and some backstage stuff that was going on while the radio was quietly playing.

"You know, car rides like this make you wanna play 20 questions or something," you said.

"That's true. Random question game," TJ asked.

"I'm down with that. I get to ask first, what was your favorite memory as a kid," you asked.

"My favorite memory as a kid? I would say, traveling to Japan after turning eighteen," he replied. "Now it's my turn. Have you ever had a terrible wrestling experience ever throughout your life," he asked.

You thought about your answer, "Back when I was in AWN, before FCW, they tried to sugar-coat my termination. They told me that I wasn't experienced enough in the ring, but what they were trying to say was that I sucked at wrestling and that I needed to quit."

TJ glanced over at you for a split second, "Seriously?"

You let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, they did. I mean, they didn't really fire me, it was more like 'We feel like you could injure someone besides yourself.'"

"They shouldn't have treated you like that. In my personal opinion, you're a lot better than what those idiots said back then," TJ said.

You smiled, "Thanks. Anyways, what's been your proudest moment?"

He thought for a while, "My proudest moment has to be... you."

You blushed deeply, "Shut up. Besides me, what's been your proudest moment?"

He thought again, "Fine. I'll go with being in WWE."

You and TJ played random questions for hours until you fell asleep when TJ asked you a question. TJ kept the radio on a low volume, but he was singing along to fill up the quiet night.


Once the traveling ended in Seattle, TJ drove up to the hotel that he called before leaving RAW. He parked the car and woke you up so you could grab your stuff.

After TJ checked into the front desk, you were having a hard time standing straight. TJ found it to be quite amusing while you were super tired.

"Have one too many drinks backstage," TJ joked.

You turned around with half opened eyes, "I'm tired as hell."

As you entered the hotel room, you set your bag down and went straight to bed. Luckily, you were in sweatpants and a t-shirt so it made sleeping a lot easier for you.

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