Chapter 86

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The night after Clash of Champions was not so hectic, yes there were some excitement in the air but it could easily change. Backstage at Raw, you were walking around with Paige talking until TJ jumped in. You knew he was there but you didn't care, I mean you were talking to Paige, come on.

As the night rolled on, many new champions were in title defenses against the men who lost them at the pay-per-view event. TJ had a normal match against Ariya Daivari, Paige had a match against Becky Lynch, and you were left with nothing. It burned you deep down inside because WWE told you that you were gonna get your rematch for the Divas title, but where is it exactly? I mean, you were dressed in your gear ready for any changes happened, but you wanted to address the not only the fans but WWE as well.


After Seth Rollins had his match against Kevin Owens, you stood by the curtain to walk out to the arena. You told the showrunners and Carrano that you were gonna rub in TJ's victory last night and get Brian to come out, but that's not gonna happen. Yes, you tricked WWE staff, but you had a good reason.

You entrance music played and the WWE Universe were on their feet. You walked down the ramp all happy and cheerful, but that was about to change. You stepped into the ring and motioned for a microphone. The WWE Universe cheered and chanted for you until you cut them off.

You started to speak, "How was Clash of Champions last night?" The fans cheered, "I know right, it was crazy. We had many retain, some newly crowned champions, and some unexpected turns. However, there's one slight problem that I had with last night, and I know it's best to keep things to yourself but I'm done with being silent. After I returned from injury months ago, I was promised my Divas title rematch, but where is that exactly? I haven't seen it lately? Have you guys seen it?" They all shouted 'no', "You guys say no, I say no, and WWE is still undecided. Well, guess what, I'm done playing this stupid game! I'm done playing the waiting game! When I say I'm gonna come back and come after what's mine, I expect it to be given to me without questions asked. So if WWE doesn't wanna give me my rematch, then I can just go after another title if I want too. You see, women today are getting stronger and more powerful than ever." The Universe cheered, "So what's stopping the women in the locker room? If you women can do powerful and unexpected things, then why can't we do the same thing? Instead of me talking about the Divas title, why don't I go after an easy title, like the Cruiserweight Championship? I know you guys would love to see that, me versus TJ Perkins for the title? Plus we all know that I would win. Anyways, enough with fan-" at that moment you were cut off by Stephanie McMahon.

She walked down the ramp and entered the ring with a microphone in hand. She walked closer to you and looked you up and down. She led the mic up to her mouth and talked, "Well look who's talking, if it isn't WWE's Pretty Little Psycho. You have some nerve coming out here and demanding that we give you a rematch at the Divas title, and on top of that you said that you would go after the Cruiserweight title? You wanna fight your boyfriend for his title?" You shook your head 'yes'. "Y/R/N, we told you once and we'll tell you again, you're gonna have to wait."

You stepped closer to her, "Wait? How long Steph? How long am I gonna have to wait? Ever since I came back from my injury that's all I've been doing. I've waited long enough and I'm DEMANDING my rematch for the Divas Championship, and if it doesn't happen... well looks like the real psycho is gonna have to come out and play."

Stephanie put her free hand up in defense, "Y/R/N, I see that crazy look in your eye and I don't want a psycho running around rampant because she isn't getting what she wants."

You tilted your head to the side, "I'm sorry, did I just hear that right? You aren't letting me have MY rematch for MY Divas Championship?"

As Stephanie was about to reply, a very unpleasant song came on. You and Stephanie looked towards the ramp and saw the one and only, Brian Kendrick. He started walking down the ramp with a mic in his hand.

"Y/R/N, Y/R/N, Y/R/N, listen, sweetie, you can't get everything you ask for, you have to work for it. I worked for years to get to WWE and look where I am," Kendrick said.

"Is that before or after you got fired from WWE the first time," you fired back. The crowd went crazy at what you just said.

Kendrick looked pissed after that, "Anyways, if you wanna come out here and complain about how you're not getting your way, then it looks like the waiting game is still in full effect. However, I know how to make time fly." He winked at you as he entered the ring.

"Listen, Kendrick, I don't care what type of flirty remark you wanna use, but it's not gonna work. Plus, the last time you tried to flirt with me it ended with you tapping out to TJ Perkins; looks like the student became the master," you said with a smirk on your face.

Kendrick came closer to you, but Stephanie stepped in between you two. "Brian this conversation doesn't involve you, it involves Y/R/N and I. If you have something to say, please go back to the back and wait for me, then we can talk."

You smiled at Brian, "Yeah Brian, this conversation doesn't involve you... unless you became a girl in a matter of hours?" Again, the crowd popped off at your comeback.

Brian growled into his mic, "I would tread lightly if I were you."

You smirked, "And what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna fight me? If you want a fight, then I'm more than glad to beat you senseless."

Stephanie turned to you, "Now Y/R/N you know that WWE doesn't allow intergender matches, but if you wanna take your aggression out on someone else then going rampant, then tonight in the main event you'll face Charlotte Flair."

You didn't even make eye contact with Stephanie, you kept your gaze on Kendrick as he did the same to you, "That's all I get? A match with Charlotte? Alright, if that's all you have to say then if you excuse me I'm just gonna-" and just like that you punched Kendrick in the face and made him stumble backward.

Stephanie stepped back and looked at you in shock, Kendrick looked up at you shocked, and the WWE Universe were cheering. Kendrick knew it was bad to put his hands on you, but he let his ego get the best on him. He stood back up and ran towards you. You ducked under his arm and gave him a Spinning heel kick square in the face. Kendrick landed on his back in pain as you stood tall sending a message to not only the WWE Universe but to Stephanie McMahon as well.

You left the ring with a serious face, but when you turned around to look at both Steph and Kendrick, your face went from serious to laughing. The inner psycho was starting to show and let me tell you this, don't mess with a psycho... just don't.


As you walked the backstage area Charlotte Flair found you.

"Y/R/N, I heard that Stephanie put us in the main event match for Raw, that's truly incredible for us women," she said.

You looked at Charlotte with death in your eyes, "Does it look like I care? Yes, I'm happy that we're main eventing Raw, but that's not what I was wanting."

Charlotte turned from a happy woman to a cold one, "If you were wanting the Divas title then you're gonna have to wait."

You closed your eyes and let out a heavy breath, "If one more person says 'wait' then I'm gonna fully lose it."

Charlotte took one short step closer, "If you look at my resume versus yours, it'll show that I'm more qualified for the Divas title than you are. After tonight, I'm gonna go on and beat AJ Lee for the title and this entire division is gonna bow down to the Queen."

You looked up at Charlotte's tanned face, "Unless I beat you, which I will. You see Charlotte, the truth is that people who have fight in them are willing to risk their lives for something they want, rather than some famous daddies-girl who gets everything handed to her."

Charlotte looked at you up and down, "Is that so? Well, I guess we'll see about that."

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