Chapter 84

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A few days after Raw, you were in the hotel room watching your conversation with Kendrick again and again and again. Why did I freeze? What happened? Clash of Champions was three days away, TJ was working harder and harder to be better than yesterday. He was in the hotel gym working out while you stayed in the room watching the WWE Network. You wanted to get to the bottom of your freeze, you watched the video a million times to understand what happened, but nothing jumped out.

The hotel room door opened and revealed TJ who had beads of sweat running down his face and arms. You paused the video and turned off your phone. Leaning back on the couch, you fake smiled at TJ.

"How was your workout," you asked.

"Good. How are you feeling," he said.

You nodded, "I'm fine. Why what's up?"

He sat down in front of you on the coffee table, "Because you've been watching the same video over and over again. Talk to me, Y/N."

You sighed, "Fine. I don't know why I froze on Raw. Usually, I can stand my ground, but I just froze. I just want to know why? Why did I freeze when Brian came closer to me?"

TJ took your hands in his, "I don't know either. It could've been an involuntary response, you didn't know what to do, so you froze."

You shook your head, "My body shut down when he trapped me in the ropes. When his face was inches away from mine, I didn't know what he was doing or what to do. I wanted to push him away, but my body shut down."

Tears were brimming in your eyes as you thought back on the event. TJ saw a teardrop leaving your left eye, he wiped it away with his thumb, "Hey, don't cry. Whatever it was, happened. You shouldn't dwell on the past, you need to look towards the future."

Your lips formed a thin line, "I know."

TJ placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your face up. Your dull e/c eyes gazed into his shiny brown orbs. He smiled his famous smile, that could make anyone's day, and fixed anyone's depressed mood.

"Let me see a smile," he said.

You smiled a bit, but not enough for TJ. He wanted the full smile, the smile that makes him smile, and the smile that lights up his world. He tapped your nose before chuckling at your reaction.

"How funny would it be if I danced after I beat Brain," he asked.

You started laughing at the thought of TJ randomly dancing in the middle of the ring.

He smiled happily, "There's that smile I was looking for."

"Please tell me you're not gonna do that," you asked.

He shook his head, "I'm not gonna do that."


After this morning's discussion, you wanted to get your mind off things so you wanted to see what the fans were up too. You went to Instagram and started a live video to do a fun Q&A. You waited a few minutes and saw the fans roll in. You told them that you were gonna start after a reasonable amount of fans were watching. Within a few minutes, you have over a thousand fans watching your live video.

(Bold- you, Italics- fans)

Hey guys! How are you? I'm gonna do a Q&A tonight, so ask me anything!

How are you? I'm good! Thanks.

Where's TJ? TJ is with some of the other Cruiserweights, probably playing video games. You know how the boys are.

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