Chapter 30

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Wednesday night:

Paige and you were getting ready to travel to San Diego for TJ match and your last night in Los Angeles for a while. Your mom was kind enough to let Paige and you take the car and head to the event so you wouldn't have to waste your money on a rental car. Paige came into your room and sat on the bed while you finished getting ready. What time is it... oh, it's 5 p.m. That's plenty of time to drive to San Diego.

"Okay, so I typed in the address of the location and it looks like it's a warehouse," Paige said looking at her phone.

"Looks like we found the new building of FCW," you said fixing your hair.

She laughed, "I can see that, but the name would be CCW. California Championship Wrestling."

You laughed, "Nice!"

You put on your shoes and looked at the complete look in the mirror. This is a pretty good outfit, props to me.


Paige and you were on the road to San Diego for tonight's wrestling event that TJ was main eventing in. During the two hours and seventeen-minute ride, the car was filled with music, laughter, and deep discussion.

"Wait, NXT doesn't have a women's championship does it," you asked.

"I don't think so? Let me check," Paige said typing it up. "Uh... no. NXT doesn't have a Women's Championship title."

You laughed, "Would it be funny if we broke out on the scene and are in a title run."

Paige laughed back, "Yeah. You versus me for the NXT Women's Championship. I would love to see that happen."

"Between us, which one of us would win," you asked already knowing the answer.

"Obviously it's gonna be me," Paige said pointing to herself.

You smirked, "Reality check, it's gonna be me."

Both of you laughed at the idea as two best friends, pinned against each other for a title. Which best friend would be the first ever NXT Women's Champion, who knows... that's down the road.


The car pulled up to the warehouse and parked. Paige looked at the long line outside the warehouse. That's a lot of people. Most of them are probably here for TJ, Paige thought. Both of you got in line and waited with everyone else. Some people in line made small talk with you and Paige asking which guy are we rooting for, obviously, the answer was TJ.

The doors opened and everyone scrambled in to get good seats. Paige and you found two seats in the front with a bunch of other girls, this should be fun. The lights were dimming down and the ring lights were dimming up. The ring announcer entered the ring and did what they always do, announce the rules for the audience and introduce the wrestlers.


After ten intense matches, the main event was about to take place. The ring announcer entered once again and held the microphone up to his mouth. The first guy's music played as he entered the ring area.

"From Queens, New Yorkweighingng in at 205 lbs. Freddy Yager," the ring announcer hollered. The next song hit and out walked the opponent, "And his opponent. From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 167 lbs. TJ Perkins!"

All the girls in your row erupted when TJ walked out. Paige and you laughed at these high school girls yelling and dying over TJ. This is quite entertaining. He walked around the crowd, doing his usual Playboy attitude, blowing kisses and high fiving people in the crowd.

Your POV:

I watched TJ make his way towards our side and oh my gosh are these girls annoying right now. At first, it was funny... NOW... I think I'm deaf. TJ walked past me and Paige like he didn't see us, OH! You are so lucky I'm behind this barricade right now. I gave him a death glare, even though his back was too me and started cursing him out in my head.

He got to the end of our barricade and back walked to Paige and I. Why did you come back? TJ took off his jacket that went with his gear and gave it to me. He smiled and put it around me, and I couldn't say no.

"I want this jacket back after the show," he said placing it around me.

I nodded, "I can tell it goes with your gear."

He kissed my forehead and slid into the ring. I shouted at him, "Good luck TJ!" He smiled and blew a kiss my way and I caught it.


During the match, it was a game of dominance, TJ had the upper hand at some point and Freddy had the upper hand at some points as well. Both men look equally matched so that really draws the audience in and tears them in half.

Freddy has the upper hand at this point and threw TJ out of the ring towards Paige and I's side of the barricade. TJ was crawling around and catching his breath when Freddy left the ring as well, he was mocking the crowd, toying around with TJ, and playing with all the girls emotions. This dude is pretty good at selling this match. Freddy lifted TJ up by his neck and slammed his head on the apron causing TJ to fall back to the floor. He turned around and saw me wearing TJ's jacket, he laughed and stood in front of me.

"Well look what we have here, if it isn't a TJP fan wearing his precious little jacket," Freddy said pointing and mocking me.

I gave him the hardest death stare ever, "So what if I am?"

He laughed, "What are you? His girlfriend or something?"

I nodded, "Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?"

He smirked, "Beat your little pathetic boyfriend."

I smirked back, "You're lucky this barricade is separating us."

Freddy laughed again and focused his attention back to TJ. He mocked TJ one more time by blowing a kiss towards me and throwing TJ back into the ring. Freddy was keeping him down and covering him when he had the chance, and thank the Lord TJ's still fighting.

TJ was struggling to get the upper hand as Freddy was overpowering TJ by a lot. Freddy put TJ in the abdominal stretch and had him facing me. This dude really likes taunting me. I can see Freddy laughing and TJ in pain, come on TJ... you need to get the upper hand.

End of POV


Towards the end of the match, TJ was finally starting to get the upper hand and the entire audience was getting behind TJ. He beat Freddy down and was about to close the match with his submission hold, the Kneebar. Freddy was in pain and it was written on his face pretty well. TJ was yelling for him to tap out and not taunt you, he's such a protective boyfriend. The whole warehouse was filled with a magical sound, Freddy tapping out. The bell rang and the crowd popped as TJ was the victor once again.

The ref raised his left hand and his right hand was holding the left rib cage. He pointed to you and rolled out carefully trying not to hurt himself even more. TJ made it over to you and placed his sweaty forehead on yours.

"Congrats Playboy," you said smiling.

"Thanks. It helps when you have a lucky charm watching you," he said heavily breathing.

He pecked your lips and stole his jacket back, "I'll see you in a bit."

You nodded and watched him leave the ring area. Paige and the girls behind her all stared at you and started clapping at the movie quality scene. You blushed, punched Paige in the arm, and looked away.

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