Chapter 95

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(Major time skip! Sorry!)

A year or so later, sorry for doing this, WWE has been doing okay lately. There's no longer a Divas Championship, it's now the Women's Championship for both RAW and Smackdown Live. There have been some superstars leaving the company due to creative differences and just not being happy with what's been going on with their character. I don't blame them. The 205 Live brand has been somewhat okay since Neville disappeared after losing the title, RAW's been doing a little better, and Smackdown Live is a little better than RAW at the moment.

You've been doing quite well within the company with breaking down doors and breaking glass ceilings like AJ Lee, who retired a few months ago. Paige's been away with a neck injury for quite some time, and TJ hasn't been on TV or 205 Live in a few months since his rematch against Neville for the Cruiserweight title.

The creative team has been bringing up talent from NXT to the main roster to up the ratings, and the superstars have no problem with that at all. It's always great to have more competition around here. You had a match tonight against one of the latest call ups from NXT, but you have no idea who it is.


You walked out to the ring with your song playing in the background for your mystery match with the recent NXT call up, but you still have no idea who it is. You slide into the ring and motioned for a microphone to say a few words before your match.

You held the microphone up to quiet down the WWE Universe, "So we've gotten some recent NXT call ups, and I'm excited for them. I truly am, but we've only seen the men... where are the women? Did WWE forget about them? Don't get me wrong, I love wrestling our current women's roster, but facing the same women day in and day out gets kinda boring. So... whoever the new NXT woman is, I suggest you get your ass down here and let me welcome you into our division, the WWE way."

You drop the microphone and wait for your opponent to reveal herself. The lights go out and a foreign voice is heard, the woman comes out all crazy like and you soon realize it's Nikki Cross. (I know my timeline is all over the place, but just bear with me.) You stand there in the ring with a smirk on your face, but your head is thing another thing. Did they seriously bring in another psycho? I'm supposed to be the only psycho in the women's division, you thought.

Nikki did some crazy thing to get into the ring and was running all over the place like a true Tasmanian Devil. The arena lights came back on as you stood in the middle of the ring to size her up. She jumped up to you and gave you her creepy smile.

"Let Nikki play! Let Nikki play! Let Nikki play," she repeated.

You nodded your head, "You wanna play? Let's play!"

The bell sounded as Nikki and you started delivering rapid-fire punches to each other's head. You shoved Nikki back to gain separation before truly starting the match.


Nikki was laying outside the ring, after you tricked her with the Spiderman catch, trying to catch her breath. You jumped up and down signaling that it was time to fly. You ran to the other side of the ring to get leverage before diving in between the top and middle ropes. You came crashing down on Nikki before rolling over her and standing up on your feet to let out the Siren scream that Paige and you do all the time. The crowd cheered and yelled as you threw Nikki back into the ring.

You set Nikki up on one knee before wrapping your legs around the back of her neck and under her leg. The Black Widow submission hold is locked in, and Nikki taps out in the debut match. The bell rang and you detach yourself from Nikki's body. The ref raised your hand as your music started to play, Nikki was sitting up with her "happy" face on. You looked down at Nikki and smiled at her catching her full attention.

"Thanks for playing with me," you said waving at Nikki.

Nikki stood up and looked you in the eyes, "Let's play again sometimes."

You smiled, "You're a lot crazier than me... I like that."


Once you reached the backstage area, some of the girls talked to you about the match and how great it was seeing two psychos's in the ring. You smiled and laughed at them talking about two psycho's being in WWE and all the compliments they were giving you.

All the girls left a little while after leaving you all alone. You were all alone tonight since TJ was in the next town for Smackdown Live because they stream 205 Live before the real show, but we all know they show it after Smackdown.

You sat in the locker room with your head in the clouds wondering what to do 'til the end of the show. The locker room was like a subway station with the women going in and out and all about, and you just sat inside your locker cubby staring into space. The somewhat silence was peaceful until your phone started ringing.





Hey, sunshine!


There's my Playboy.

I thought you forgot about me?

How could I forget you?

Work? Anyways, how are you?


Good. How are you doing?

Fine, had a match with Nikki Cross

and now I'm looking at a white wall

across from me.

Is it weird that I'm doing the

same thing, but I'm not stuffed into a locker.

One, yes. Two, how did

you know I was stuffed in my locker?


Maybe because you told me before?


Ohhhhh, okay. How's 205?


Good, like always. I finally had a match!

Yay! Who was the victim of a lose.




What? Who did you fight?


Kalisto, but to be fair he

had the others too.


Okay. I'm sorry you lost.


Don't be, it's not about wins and losses.

Wise words from TJP again.




You and TJ talked for a couple of hours to pass the time until both shows were over. Once both shows were over, you headed to the rental car that you, Sasha, and Bayley were in since TJ was in the next town, like I mentioned before. This is going to be one long car ride to the next state, you thought.

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