Chapter 43

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A new week came around and the sun shined into your bedroom. You rolled around stretching, moaning, and groaning because you didn't want to get up, but you have too. The phone buzzed on the side table making you roll over to it.



Good morning Sunshine!


Good morning Playboy!


Any plans for the day?


Not really, but I might go work out.

Champs gonna stay in shape.


Totally! I just done with my workout.


What time did you wake up?


About 5 a.m.


How can you do that? The latest I work out

is around 9 a.m.


Men and women are built

different, so they do things



You got a point. I bet you're tired and sweaty.


Yeah. I added two more reps to

everything I did.


Ooooooo... hard worker.




Okay. I gotta get up and get dressed.

Talk to you later?


I'll be waiting... until then,

Enjoy this post-workout picture.

Enjoy this post-workout picture

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You set the phone down and got dressed into some workout clothes. Walking out to the living room, you call for Paige.

"Paige! Wanna go to the gym," you called.

"Yes! I'm almost ready," she responded.

You sat on the couch waiting for Paige to get ready. Scrolling through social media you see people posting about the new NXT Women's Champion, you, and how awesome and intense the match was. This is what my life is gonna be like now? Paige walked out of her room and found you sitting on the couch.

"You ready," she asked.

"I've been ready," you said shutting off your phone.


At the gym, some members of the WWE Universe found you and Paige. They asked for autographs, pictures, advice, and congratulated you two for making it into WWE. Paige and you started on the treadmills and when on from there. You and Paige made a competition out of the workout session, who can lift more without hurting themselves.

After the competition, that you won by five pounds, Paige called dibs on the ring for both of you. While warming up, some fans stood by the ring and observed you two. I don't like it when people stare at me. WWE is one thing, but out in public is different. You looked at Paige and widened your eyes signaling that you hated these fans staring at you and her.

"Mini match," Paige suggested.

"Yeah. Catch mistakes while we go," you said.

"Sounds good," she replied.

Paige and you started the mini-match by locking up. You let Paige take the upper hand and worked from there. The fans stood and sat by the ring watching the new NXT women practice. Don't these people have anything better to do? Paige started taking jabs to your stomach and threw you towards the ropes, you flipped around and caught yourself on the ropes like Spiderman. The group of fans behind you awed in amazement at what they're witnessing.

Paige and you restarted the mini-match and switched places. You had the upper hand and followed after that. You shoulder tackled Paige to cause her to fall. The crowd reacted like it was an actual match. Can you guys leave so we can focus, it's kind of hard when all of you are there. Paige and you corrected any mistakes along the two mini-matches making sure a move wasn't executed poorly and dangerously.

After the two mini-matches, Paige and you practice putting each other in submission and finishing moves for either tap out and a three count. Paige locked you in her submission hold, the PTO (Paige tap out), to make sure it's still effective and if she needs to tighten anything in the hold. Her finishing move was next, the Page Turner, she hooked your right arm over her neck and swept your right leg throwing both of you back.

It was your turn now, you started off with the Knee Bar. Paige laid down on her stomach and let you put her in the submission hold. You grabbed Paige's left leg and wrapped your legs around her's and hooked her right leg in the hold to cause more pain. You moved on to your finisher (whatever finisher you like), Paige helped you with a little bit tweaking a small detail.

Paige and you finished, the small crowd started cheering and clapping with their inside volume. You smiled at the crowd to be nice since you and Paige were still new to the company. Packing up everything, some fans asked for autographs and pictures just like earlier. Thank you, now leave people. In the car, you let out a huge sigh and Paige chuckled.

"I know right," Paige said.

"When will people learn personal space for celebrities," you say running your hand through your hair.

"I'm surprised you didn't give them the 'nice-sarcastic' voice," she said while starting the car.

"I was trying so hard not to," you said slamming your fist onto your thigh.

"Let's go home, wash up, cook something, and enjoy a lazy day," Paige said pulling out.

"Ugh! Can we just get something to go," you whined.

"Champ needs to stay in tip-top shape," Paige replied like a mother.

"Fiiiiiiiiine," you said crossing your arms.

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