Chapter 72

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As the day rolled on it was time to leave for the CWC. This round was the quarterfinals, and TJ's opponent for the night was his best friend, Rich Swann. Paige and you went in your car while TJ took his car.

At the arena, fans of the WWE Universe were waiting outside for the doors while Paige and you pulled up to the talent parking lot. Paige and you get out of the car, fans started cheering as they saw Paige, and the fans started chanting "Get well soon" when they saw you on your crutches.

Paige and you made your way through the backstage area greeting some of the Cruiserweights before heading to the ring area. On the way to the ring, Paige and you passed Rich who was already in his gear.

"Good luck tonight Rich," Paige said.

"Thank you," he replied.

"I suspect TJ to be in one piece after the match," you hollered.

He laughed, "No promises!"

You and Paige got front row seats again and talked for a few before the doors opened.

"How's rehab going so far," Paige asked.

"It's going good so far. Josh is really good at pinpointing areas that need improvement and we go over the whole thing like three or four times," you said.

"That's good," Paige said nodding.

"Yeah, but I wish I was in the ring fighting," you sighed.

"I know it sucks, but you'll be cleared in no time," Paige said.

You nodded, "You're right, but seeing the girls in the ring... it just makes it harder for me to see the end goal. At Summerslam when I heard my foot crack, I thought my life was over and I could see the title drift farther and farther away from me."

Paige hugged you from the side, "Remember when you won the title? You kept bragging about how long you were gonna hold it and wait for me to be on the main roster so we can recreate our NXT championship match."

You chuckled, "Yeah. We wanted it to be another classic match just like NXT."


The WWE Universe was cheering, little kids held up their signs as high as they could, and some more WWE superstars appeared to watch the quarterfinals on the CWC. The night was more intense than the last, more unexpected outcomes happened in every match, and some tears were shed for some of the Universe's favorites.

The last match of the quarterfinals was TJ versus Rich Swann. Paige and you knew how hard these two were gonna be since they know each other so well. It was time for the match as Rich Swann was the first man to enter the ring. Next, TJ entered and made his way over to you. You knew it wasn't his "Playboy" act because he dropped it, but this was for a different reason. TJ stood in front of you and took off his dog tag that has a faded Filipino/American flag to represent his heritage and put it on you. He smiled before rolling into the ring to get back to the match at hand.


The match was getting intense, to say the least. Rich threw TJ out of the ring on the opposite side of where you and Paige were. Rich was known to be a high flyer, so that kind of posed a threat to TJ's technical/submission style. TJ made it back to his feet as Rich was on the ring apron about to moonsault into TJ. Luckily, TJ moved quick enough to dodge, but Rich wasn't so lucky. When Rich landed feet first on the hard patted concrete ground, he had tweaked his knee. Rich made it his best effort to not let his injury get in the way of competing, so he tried to hide it, which wasn't the best option. When a high flyer gets hurt, it limits his or her's ability to make explosive moves in the air.

TJ was knocked down on the ground near the corner, and this is where Rich would take control. TJ was flat on his back waiting for Swann to turn the match around. Rich was about to do a standing 450 splash, but as soon as he jumped... his tweaked knee prevented him from making a splash. TJ took the opening to put Swann away. He didn't want to, but this was his only opportunity to make it to the semi-finals. TJ grabbedSwann'ss foot and planted him face first into the mat. TJ wrapped his legs around Rich's like an octopus to make him tap. Swann was riving in pain that his knee was taking, Rich had no choice but to tap out. As soon as, Rich tapped TJ unraveled his legs and hugged Swann, who was still laying on the mat.

After the match, TJ had a post match interview for WWE Excess, that happens before or after a WWE event. Cathy Kelly interviewed TJ asking him where his head was at after the match with Rich. TJ told Cathy that even though Rich is his best friend, he had to do everything in his power to win and to go on to the semi-finals. Once the interview was over, TJ spotted Rich and talked about how impactful the match was and that their friendship is still solid like a rock.


Paige and you didn't even stay to find TJ, both of you just left and went back home. As the car pulled up to the driveway, Paige helped you out of the car and even opened the front door for you too.

"Thanks Paige. I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed," you said.

"Are you sure? Remember what happened earlier," she said.

"I remember very well. I got it, and just to make you trust me, my phone will be on the counter if I need you," you said crutching off.

"Fine. Be safe," Paige joked.

You nodded and entered your room. Gathering up some pajamas for the night, you hopped your way to the bathroom and started up the shower. Once the water was heated to a warm temperature, you walked in. I'm so glad I have a walk in shower with railings so I can hold on to them.

After the shower, I carefully made it out and changed into my pajamas. Your hair was wrapped up in a towel to dry it for a bit before lightly blow drying it. I'm sure Paige is waiting for an emergency text from me. You texted Paige letting her know that you had no problems getting in and out of the shower. Once your hair was dried slightly, you hopped over to your bed and laid down. You threw an extra pillow from the side of the bed to the end of the bed to elevate your foot to heal it even more.

You kept a bedside lamp on for TJ to see once he gets home. As your eyes were closing, you started thinking about how far TJ's come in the tournament and how close to the end it is for the tournament. I hope TJ wins the tournament, it would be awesome to see him every week on Raw.


As I pulled up to Y/N and Paige's house, I saw their car in the driveway. They came home after my match? No wonder I couldn't find them. I locked my car back up and quietly made it into the house, Paige gave me the spare key.

There was a lamp on in the living room to light my way in the house. Once I got into the living room, Paige was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey. Congrats on making it to the semi-finals," Paige said.

I smiled, "Thanks. Is Y/N asleep?"

She nodded, "Yeah. She actually took a shower by herself without my help."

I laughed, "That's progress. I guess?"

Paige and I exchanged a goodnight and I went off to Y/N's room, where I stay as well. As I opened the door, I saw her under the bed covers sleeping peacefully, even if her foot is a few inches in the air. I grabbed some clothes to sleep in before I cleaned up myself.

After I cleaned myself up, I saw my dog tag on the table next to the only lamp that's still on. She always treats important things of mine with so much care. I turned the lamp off and got under the covers as well. Y/N flipped around to where her sleeping face was facing me. I admired her sleeping figure before I fall asleep myself. I kissed the side of her head as my arm swallowed her waist to pull her closer to me. She nudged her head up against my chest, she's so cute. My eyes started to feel heavier and heavier as time goes by, and within thirty seconds I was asleep.

End of POV

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