Chapter 91

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The following week on RAW, you had a tag match with Paige against the Bella Twins. Sitting backstage with Paige, you were discussing the match and strategy plans.

"Should we do a team name," you asked.

"I don't know? If we did, what's were you thinking," Paige asked.

You threw a random team name out, "The Anti-Divas?"

Paige nodded, "We could. How about Screaming Sirens?"

You tilted your head, "Um... wouldn't the WWE Universe take that out of context?"

Paige pouted, "True. If you're cool with The Anti-Divas, then I'm cool with it."

You smiled, "Sounds like a plan to me."


Time went by and it was time for the Divas tag team match. The Bella Twins were the first girls out, they did their thing before Paige's song cut out the Bella's.

Paige's siren scream went off and the real fun started. Paige and you walked out as the crowd cheered for their dream tag team partners.

"And their opponents, the team of Y/R/N and the Divas Champion Paige, team Anti-Divas," the ring announcer said.

Commentator POV:

"Here comes Paige and Y/R/N," Corey Graves said.

"Paige and Y/R/N were nicknamed 'The Anti-Divas of Tomorrow' because they don't go by the Divas rule or act like Divas," Michael Cole said.

"You're right about that Cole. Paige and Y/R/N are here to break the image of a Diva and become something better than that," Corey said.

"Well, Paige is the Divas Champion, Graves. How is Paige breaking the Divas image," Cole asked.

"Paige is the champion for a reason, not only is she tough and badass, she is showing all the women in the locker room that someone as tough and scrappy as herself can make the title greater than what it is," Graves said.

"Y/R/N was Divas Champion too, what about her," Cole pointed out.

"I say the same thing as I said for Paige," Corey simply said.

End of POV

The match started with you and Brie locking up. You gained the upper hand early on and dominated the match, with a couple of cheap shot to Nikki. You were bringing the match to Brie and she couldn't keep up. Once the fun was starting to get boring, you tagged in Paige and she took it over from there.

(Skipping most of the match)

You and Nikki were on the mat trying to catch your breath, both you and Nikki delivered a nasty kick to the side of each other's faces. Paige and Brie were screaming at both of you to make a tag, the crowd was behind you helping you find the strength to tag in Paige. With some type of energy flowing through your body, you tagged in Paige as Nikki tagged in Brie.

Paige clotheslined Brie three times before kicking her in the gut for a finisher. Brie went to the ground and Paige went for the cover, but Nikki intercepted the pin. Nikki slammed Paige into the mat and you came flying in giving Nikki a spinning heel kick to send her out of the ring. Paige and you went to Brie to set up for a double Rampage. Once Brie's face hit the mat, you suicide dived out of the ring to stop Nikki from coming in as Paige went for the cover.

1... 2... 3... ding, ding, ding

"The winners of this match, Y/R/N and the Divas Champion Paige," the ring announcer said.

Paige's song played once again as the ref raised both of your hands. Paige got her title back and hugged you to celebrate the intense match.

You and Paige screamed like a Siren since you two did it before back in the NXT days. You looked out to the WWE Universe who was cheering and chanting the both of you.

You screamed out towards the fans, "This is OUR house now!"


Entering the backstage area, one of the showrunners wanted Paige and me to do a quick post-match interview with Cathy Kelly. Paige and you walked towards the interview area and stood on the side waiting for our cue. The camera turned on and started recording Cathy for the interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Y/R/N and the Divas Champion Paige," she said.

You and Paige stood and both sides of Cathy with a serious but happy face.

"Paige, you just pinned one of the top Divas in WWE, what does that say about your reign as Divas Champion," she asked.

Paige readjusted the title, "I did pin Brie Bella. I wish it was Nikki, but Brie will do. Anyways, me pinning one of the oldest Divas today just shows who has more speed and skill in the ring."

Cathy nodded and turned to you, "Y/R/N, back when Paige and you were in NXT you two were called the Anti-Divas of Tomorrow. What does that translate to exactly?"

You smiled, "The Anti-Divas of Tomorrow is a simple concept. We don't wanna be labeled as 'Divas', we don't wanna wear the pretty dresses or cry over losing a match. What Paige and I stand for is bigger than that. Being the Anti-Divas means that we do things out of the Divas image. We fight like it's a street fight, we fight rough, and we fight dirty. If any of the Divas in the locker room don't like what we do, oh well... they're just gonna have to get over it because Paige and I are here to break the Divas image."

With the final statement being said Paige and you left Cathy hanging in the interview. You wanted to make the Anti-Divas name clear and simple to understand, and you believe you did just that.

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