Chapter 108

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The night rolled around for RAW this week in Canada and heading to the arena on the route. It wasn't dark yet since the company wants all the talent to be at the arena early.

As time rolled on, you were dressed in your gear with the title around your waist. You walked around looking for the girls since you spend most of the time with TJ. Finally, you found your people.

"Hey girls," you said.

"Hey, Y/N," the girls said in unison.

You hopped up and sat on a production box while listening to the conversation. The group mostly consisted of the Total Divas cast with a few of the non-cast members, but you became a regular on the show.

"Oh, Y/N did you hear what Summer said earlier," Alicia Fox asked.

"No? What did she say," you asked.

Everyone who watches Total Divas knows that Summer Rae can be a spark to anyone's anger because she doesn't know what boundaries are.

"Apparently, she and TJ talked earlier about her being his valet," Fox said.

"What," you said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he didn't tell you," Nikki asked.

"I knew it was an idea, I didn't know he was still planning it," you said.

"They've been working on it for a few months now. I think they talked to Vince and Carrano a few days ago," Brie said.

"He never mentioned this to me," you said with gritted teeth.

"You better ask him about it," Fox said.

You nodded and jumped off the box and walked in one direction to find him. You would be lying if you said you weren't mad, but that was an understatement at this point. The Total Divas cameraman followed behind me to capture the rupturing moment. You looked up and down every hallway till you spotted Summer who was walking towards a set of stairs.

"She must be looking for him as well," you said to yourself out loud.

You followed quickly behind Summer to catch her and TJ talking about the "idea." After a couple of minutes, you hid behind a wall and overheard the conversation.


"Hey, TJ," Summer said.

I looked up and closed my journal full of ideas, "Hey, Summer. What's up?"

"Nothing much, I just came over to see if you had any new ideas," she asked.

"I don't have a lot of stuff, but if you have any ideas, I'm open," I said.

"Cool. So I was thinking, what if the valeting lead to an on-screen romance," she said.

"Uh, maybe," I said with a shaky voice.

"Do you not like the idea," she pouted.

"I would be open to it if I wasn't engaged," I said.

"Oh, well what if it was a flirty type of on-screen work," she asked.

"That could work," I nodded.

I jotted down the idea and slowly built on it. We tossed around little ideas, some good and some were shaky, just for my comfort level. Every time Summer threw out ideas that lead into an on-screen romance, I kept Y/N in the bad of my head. I mean she would be supportive of it because she has my heart, but she can get jealous quite easily.

"Are you cool with the flirting idea," she asked.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, "What? Oh, yeah. I'm cool with it."

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