Chapter 83

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This week on Raw is the last one before Clash of Champions on Sunday. The TJ and Brian storyline is going good. The crowd responded well, but not great where it's the buzz online. You didn't have a match on Raw and you weren't even on the card for Clash of Champions. I'm supposed to get a rematch of the Divas title, but they're giving it to Nikki. What the heck? Mick Foley promised me MY REMATCH!

Back on Raw, you were backstage getting some touch ups done before the show starts. I had a match against Nattie, she's a good friend but that's about to change in a few minutes. Nattie and you are good friends, she's been there for you since you stepped foot onto the main roster.


Your POV: (skipping to the match)

Nattie and I locked up before I shoved her and put her in a headlock. I took the match and ran with it. Nattie tried to knock me over, but I tripped her landing her on the middle rope. I ran to the second turnbuckle, bounced off and over the top rope, and planted both of my feet to the side of her head. That was a better Wrecking ball dropkick then the last one. Nattie rolled back to the middle of the ring, I went for the cover but she kicked out at two.

After Nattie kicked out, I tried to wrap my head around plan until my thoughts got interrupted by someone's entrance music. I whipped my head around to look at who it was, and it just the man I didn't wanna see, Brian Kendrick. I saw that Kendrick had a mic in hand, which wasn't good. If you say one word, I will run up the ramp and knock you out. He didn't say anything, he just watched.

Nattie took my distraction and rolled me up for a pin, but I was able to kick out at two. As soon as I got back on my feet, I kicked Nattie in the stomach so hard that the very top row in the arena heard. I wanted to close the match as soon as possible. All I wanted to do now was to run up that ramp and send Kendrick running again.

I lifted Nattie up on my shoulders, jolted her up in the air, and landing my foot to the side of her face. Shades of TJ's Detonation Kick. I go for the cover, 1... 2... 3... ding, ding, ding! I pinned Nattie with ease, my song filled the arena, the ref raised my hand up, and the crowd cheered. I was in the moment of my victory, but it was sadly interrupted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match is none other than Y/R/N," Kendrick said.

I stopped my celebration and turned to a cold-hearted killer.

"Congratulations Princess, I'm happy for you and this Sunday is going to be great! Especially, when I beat your little pathetic boyfriend, I'm gonna go celebrate with the title and it's only for a two-member party.... me and YOU," he said with a creepy smirk on his face.

I couldn't take it any longer, I went over to the ringside area and grabbed a mic. I rolled back into the ring and leaned against the top rope. "Really Kendrick, really? First, you come out here to distract me, which failed. Second, you come out here and tell me that you're gonna beat TJ this Sunday? Haha, are we sure I'm the crazy one here? Kendrick, I think you need to go see a therapist," I said with a smile.

He nodded, "Alright, why don't you come check me out then Doc?"

The WWE Universe reacted heavily to his "flirty" comment.

I pointed to my open mouth and pretended to vomit, "Gross, I think I'm gonna be sick."

Kendrick started coming closer to the ring, "If you're feeling sick, then I can take care of you."

I pushed myself off the rope and backed up, "Don't come into this ring or else."

Kendrick jumped up on the apron and entered the ring, "Or else what? You're gonna slap me? You're gonna punch me? What are you gonna do Princess?"

I slowly backed up more and more every time Kendrick came closer. He smirked, "Why are you backing up? Am I making you nervous? Don't worry Y/R/N, I'll take better care of you then TJ has."

I wanted to say something back to him, but I couldn't. My back was against the ropes and I dropped my microphone. I was frozen. Kendrick started leaning closer to me, I don't know what he was doing, I wanted to push him away but my body was completely shut down. I need my Mega Man.

As I finished my thought, a familiar song played. My Mega Man! TJ sprinted down the ramp and slid into the ring. Kendrick turned around just in time to be knocked onto the white canvas and receive rapid-fire punches from TJ. I moved out of the way before I get caught in the crossfires.

Kendrick managed to push TJ off of him, but it only made it worse. TJ turned around, faster than the speed of light, kicking Kendrick square in the face. Kendrick went flying across the ring before a very pissed TJ could get his hand back on Kendrick. He wanted to get out of the ring and make a run for it, but TJ had better options. TJ took Kendrick by the hair, wrapped on his arms around his neck and suplexed Kendrick my way. I moved before Kendrick landed at my feet. I've never seen TJ this mad before, but it gave me mixed emotions. I'm happy that he's protecting me because it's apart of the storyline, but it also scares me a little bit.

Three refs dove into the ring to separate TJ from Kendrick because unknowingly TJ had busted Kendrick's nose. Two of the refs got TJ off of Kendrick and the other helped him out of the ring. I stood frozen in another corner of the ring in shock. This wasn't in character shock, this was real shock, true shock. TJ found my microphone that I dropped earlier and picked it up. He paced back and forth before giving Kendrick a few words.

"Hey, Brian! This Sunday at Clash of Champions, not only am I gonna beat you, but you're gonna end up in the hospital. If you go anywhere near Y/R/N, you're gonna regret coming back to WWE," TJ said with pure anger in his voice.

He threw the mic down and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me in a secure hug. I somehow managed to work my arms again, I lightly wrapped my arms around TJ's waist and buried my face in his chest. He kissed the top of my head before looking up towards the ramp to give Kendrick one last glance.

I still don't know why I froze when Brian came closer to me. Usually, I can hold my ground very well, but something inside me changed. What was it? Was I adding more substance to the storyline? Was I acting helpless? Was I scared because I knew I wasn't able to back up my words? What was it?

End of POV

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