Chapter 47

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Tomorrow came and the room was filled with sunlight and excitement. What time should I go to his place? What should I wear? You thought endlessly about your options, but then it hit you, what if I surprised him at his match tonight? That's perfect! You got dressed in some workout clothes and went for a jog, how long, who cares.

After running for so long, about six miles, you made it back home and walked to your room. You closed the bedroom door and jumped into the shower to wash off the buckets of sweat pouring down your body.

Exiting the bathroom, you threw on some lazy clothes while the day was still young. Your mom needed help move furniture around, it was labor intensive for your mom but not for you.

"I need to get my own place soon," you said while pushing the couch.

"Where would you go," your mom asked.

"I don't know. Maybe buy a place here in LA, stay close to you and dad," you said sitting down.

"Sounds like a good idea, but you don't have time for that," you mom said moving a lamp.

"Yes, I do. I'm here now," you said doing jazz hands for extra emphasis.

Your mom nodded and had you help move the coffee table. Moving furniture was hard, but it did make time go by fast. The clock read 4:00 pm., I think I should get ready.


Back inside the room, you ran through your clothing options and threw together something kind of nice but still your style. Now, for my final piece of clothing... TJ's jacket. You walked out of your room with phone in hand. You waved goodbye to your parents and headed for the tram.

On the tram, some people recognized you and started conversations with you. Life with WWE has its ups and downs, I guess? The whole tram ride towards the high school gym was filled with conversations. The tram slowed down and made a complete stop a block from the school, I'm not late.

Waiting outside with everyone else, you saw some of the wrestlers for the event tonight. A couple of the guys noticed you and said hello, and you returned the greeting. The doors opened up as everyone rushed in to get good seats. Looking around, your favorite spot, on your left, was taken by a group of girls. Fortunately, there was a spot right in the middle seating area, front row again! TJ's gonna get thrown off when he sees me.


Match after match, the ring announcer called the last one, it's main event time. He stood in the middle of the ring and held the microphone up, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's main event time."

The crowd started cheering. The first guy's music played in the gym, "From Phoenix, Arizona... weighting in at 230 lbs. Austin Bowman!" The crowd was more on the booing side than the cheering side, he must suck then?

Next, his opponent's music played and the crowd started cheering, (or should I say, the girls started yelling). The announcer introduced the next guy, "And his opponent! From Los Angeles, California... weighting in at 176 lbs. TJ Perkins!"

TJ made his way around the ring, playboy like always. You watch him walk around doing his usual deal until he passed by you. He took five steps back and looked at the jacket, his deep brown eyes scanned you from bottom to top meeting you clear Y/E/C eyes.

You smiled, "Hey Playboy."

His eyes lit up and swiftly threw his arms around your neck, "What the hell? What are you doing here?"

You pulled away, "I'll tell you after the show. You, sir, have a match to win."

He nodded and flew into the ring and started to focus. The bell sounded and the boys locked up, with Austin taking control.

The match went back and forth, and by the looks of it... TJ couldn't focus, is it because of me? Did I throw him off? Austin struck TJ with a wicked knee strike to the side of the head. The crowd and you booed Austin, and he found it amusing. Austin rolled out of the ring and stood right in front of you.

Your POV:

Austin was standing in front of me smirking like the idiot that he is. I wanted to punch him so badly, but I don't wanna get thrown out. He threw his right arm around my shoulder and side hugged me while looking at TJ.

He laughed and called for TJ, "Hey TJ! Look who I got?"

TJ was slowly coming too and saw Austin next to me, he pointed at us, "Get... away... from... her."

Austin just laughed, "Make me! I'm pretty sure I'm better for her than you are."

TJ started getting pissed at Austin's disrespect towards me. He slides out of the ring and walked to Austin. TJ looked at him dead in the eyes, "Get away from her."

Austin smirked, "Why don't you make me?" He released his arm from my shoulder and held them out provoking TJ.

TJ shrugged his shoulders, he took a step back before delivering a cruel left punch to his face. Austin fell backward holding his left cheek in shock. TJ was pissed at Austin, "Don't you ever disrespect my girlfriend ever again!"

Watching TJ get riled up... was quite dangerous (in a good way). TJ immediately capitalized on Austin and took control of the match. I cheered TJ on, he looked at me and smiled. The match was amazing, TJ wasn't letting Austin take control anymore.

Austin could barely stand on his own two feet without something holding him up. TJ signaled that this match was over, he gave Austin a nasty spinning heel kick knocking him out. TJ took Austin's right leg and put in the Knee Bar. Austin tapped out in five seconds, and the match was over.

"Your winner of this match... TJ Perkins," the ring announcer shouted over the crowd of cheering fans.

TJ rolled out of the ring and hugged me tightly, "Thank you for being here."

I hugged him back, "It was my surprise for you. Hurry up and change so we can hang out."

He nodded and left the ring area waving goodbye to everyone. The sea of fans all piled over each other making their way to the exit, I stayed back for a couple of minutes before making my way to the exit.

End of POV

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