Chapter 70

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The next morning, Paige woke up first and stretched her arms. Paige was sleeping on the couch during the night, while TJ and you were actually in the fort. She lifted up one side of the blankets and saw a sweet sight. Your head was rested on TJ's chest, left foot elevated, and left hand resting on his waist. TJ was flat on his back, left arm behind his head, and his right arm wrapped around your waist.

Paige started poking your cheek to wake you up without making a big ruckus. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up to where the poking was coming from. Both you and Paige whispered to not wake TJ up.

"What," you whispered rubbing one eye.

"Get up. You need to shower since you didn't yesterday," Paige whispered back.

"You helped me wash my hair the other day," you angrily whispered.

"That was one part of your whole body. You need to wash your entire body," Paige said emphasizing the "entire" part.

You rolled your eyes, "Fine, but you're helping me up."

Paige nodded, "Sounds good."

Paige quietly got off the couch to help you up. You safely made your escape from TJ's hold to reach out for Paige's hands. She held both of your hands and helped you get to your feet before handing you the crutches.

"Head to my room since it has a bathtub and wait for me. I'm gonna get you some clothes," Paige said before leaving in her room.

You walked to the bathroom and pulled out Paige's chair that was set at her makeup desk. Placing it by the tub, you turned on the water to get it to a warm temperature before sinking in. Paige snuck her way back to her room with a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and undergarments before leaving you be.

"If you need my help, text me," Paige said as she set down your phone on the chair.

"Okay. Thanks," you said before she shut the door to leave you be.

After removing your pajamas, you carefully slipped into the tub and started washing off with high amounts of bubbles covering every inch of the tub. You felt like a kid in the tub with a lot of bubbled surrounding you, but you're not a five-year-old.

Once you cleanse yourself and felt squeaky clean, you pulled the drain plug and carefully stood up making sure no pressure was set on your left ankle. Getting out of the tub, you grabbed an extra robe that was hanging up and wrapped it around your body. Stepping out of the tub, right foot first, you reached for the counter to hold onto, but you made a grave mistake... you weren't looking.

Paige's POV:

Once I left my room to let Y/N clean herself up, I walked back into the living room to find TJ sitting up from the fort running his fingers through his hair.

"Morning sleepy," I said.

"Hey. Where's Y/N," TJ asked after a big yawn.

"She's in my room taking a bath," I said while taking down blankets.

"Okay," TJ said.

TJ helped me take down the blankets and set every chair back to its original spot. After everything was back in order, we talked about different things waiting for Y/N to get out of my room. We talked for a few minutes until we heard a scream coming from my bathroom. Oh no!

"Stay here," I sternly said to TJ as I ran to my bathroom.

I opened the door to find Y/N on the bathroom floor with a robe on, and her left leg hanging on the tub.

"What happened," I asked her.

"I was getting out and I slipped trying to hold onto the counter," Y/N said with pain writing all across her face.

"Did you hurt your ankle," I asked concerningly.

"I don't think so? I slipped backward if that helps," she said while sitting up.

"Not really, but I'll take it. At least you have your underwear and a bra on," I said helping her sit down.

"Paige, we're in a locker room filled with women... we've seen everything," she said chuckling.

"Good point," I said while I grabbed her shorts.

"You can go now, I got it. Thanks," she said taking her shorts from my hands.

"Alright," I said leaving her be.

I walked back to the living room with TJ worried as hell about what just happened. I waved TJ's worry off and explained what happened. He calmed down and relaxed as Y/N crutched her way into the living room.

"Next time text me when you need help," I said as Y/N sat down next to TJ.

"Noted," she simply replied.

"Are you okay," TJ asked her.

"I'm fine, just a slip-up," Y/N replied.

I got her a bag of ice to put on her ankle to help the swelling go down and pain killers since she just fell in the bathroom, clumsy girl. I handed her the ice and medication and finally got my room to myself again. Finally, time to myself for once.

End of POV

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