Chapter 101

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A few days later:

A few days passed and TJ only had three days to prepare everything. He and you compared schedules and luckily had the rest of the week off, so this was working out in TJ's favor. He was excited and nervous about the day and the upcoming days before he makes the commitment.

You, however, were completely clueless. You would look over at TJ and see him on his phone all the time, leaving the room to talk on the phone, and he would be gone for an hour or two. You trusted him, but sometimes you got worried about his whereabouts. When TJ would leave the house for a long time, you would snoop everywhere and anywhere for a clue. You searched the bedroom, cabinets, shoes, and his office but nothing stood out of the ordinary.

During the days, you would question TJ's whereabouts but he would cover it up with simple things like the gym, hanging with the boys, seeing his mom and sister, and whatever else he came up with. You would be lying if you said you were fine, and you weren't. Whatever TJ was hiding was hurting you deep inside. You didn't wanna push TJ into a corner, but sometimes you need to be pushy and get the truth out.

"Hey Teddy," you said as you walked to his office.

"Hey, what's up," he asked pushing himself away from his computer.

"Where did you go earlier," you asked.

"I went into town to pay a few things," he said.

"What did you go pay," you questioned.

"Water and electric bill," he confidently said.

"Are you sure? I paid both of them last week online," you said with arms now crossed.

"You did? Oh, looks like a paid next months payment then," he said looking away.

"Where were you really," you asked.

"In town. Why are you asking," he asked.

"Because you usually tell me where you're going and you haven't for the past couple of days," you said with a serious face.

"I don't always have to tell you where I'm going," he said annoyed.

"Well I would like to know so I don't get worried about you," you said.

"You're not my mom, so I don't have to tell you," he said with a harsh tone.

You pulled your head back in shock, "Wow, okay. If you're doing something illegal or guilty behind my back, please continue to do so because I'm done playing detective."

"Y/N," he tried to say.

"No! Don't even try. If you need me, I'll be downstairs with Cupcake and Pugsley," you said walking out the door.

TJ sat in his chair with a blank stare, "What just happened?"


You walked downstairs to find Cupcake and Pugsley laying down on their blankets asleep. You smiled at the sweet sight of the mini-pigs sleeping peacefully. You sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to escape from reality.

You watched TV show after TV show until you fell asleep on the couch. TJ came downstairs from his office to find the sweet sight that's in front of him, his girl and two pigs all asleep. Seeing you curled up in a ball on the couch with a blanket over you made TJ feel guilty about his surprise. He wanted to tell you right then and there in his office, but it was gonna ruin the emotion and the sentimental value that a proposal holds.

TJ went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a drink. He shut the door and felt a wet feeling on his leg, he looked down to find one of the babies nudging at his leg.

"Are you hungry, Cupcake? I haven't fed you or Pugs yet," TJ whispered.

He reopened the fridge door and removed the pigs' food from the shelves. TJ placed all the fruits and veggies on the counter and started chopping up everything for the pigs. Once he was done chopping everything, he put everything in its place and walked to the back patio to feed the hungry monsters.

After the feeding was done, the two monsters and TJ walked back into the living room. He looked over and saw you still passed out on the couch. His smile faded as his eyes fell upon you, he really felt bad for making you upset, but he has a mission to complete. TJ walked over to the couch and sat on the floor in front of you. He sat up and placed a small kiss on your left cheek then returning to his original position on the floor.

"TJ," you whispered in your tired voice.

"Yeah," he replied.

You slowly opened your eyes, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's my fault. I've been working on something secretly for you," he admitted.

"You could've said it's top secret," you said.

"If I did, then you would ask who," he said.

You smirked, "True."

He smiled at your tired face, "You look so beautiful when you sleep."

You covered your face with the blanket, "Shut up."

He laughed, "Are you hungry?"

You nodded under the blanket.

"Dine in or delivery," he asked.

"I'm tired," you said with a small voice.

"Delivery it is, I'll call in. Do you have a preference," he asked.

You didn't answer.

"I'll take that as my choice. Sleep well, Princess," he said as he got up from the floor.

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