Chapter 44

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NXT night:

Tonight at NXT, you have your first match as the new NXT Women's Champion. The pressure was sinking in because being the first ever women's champion holds a high honor. The title needs to show the entire WWE Universe that every woman in this locker room can do everything that the men can do. Being the inarguable NXT Women's Champion is one of the biggest accomplishments that you've had in your entire two-year career, and holding the title shows everyone that someone from a small company can make it in the big leagues.

The show started and first, you had to do a promo highlighting your title win. You make your way to the ring for your first promo interview with backstage personality, Renee Young.

Renee stood in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand, "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time. She is the inarguable NXT Women's Champion, Y/R/N!"

The music filled the arena, the audience cheered, and the champ walked out. You smiled at the crowd and held the championship belt high in the air. Walking down the short ramp, you gave the entire front row high fives before entering the ring. Once you entered the ring, you held the title up on more time.

"Y/R/N, how does it feel being the first-ever NXT Women's Champion," Renee asked.

You held the microphone up to your mouth and spoke, "Renee, I'm not gonna lie... it feels good to be the first ever NXT Women's Champion."

Renee asked another question, "Now Y/R/N, you came from a small company and came here to NXT with the help of Triple H. How was that experience for you?"

You smiled, "It was amazing! When Triple H said he was bringing some of us from FCW to NXT, it was kind of intimidating. This company is the best company ever, and it took a chance on us to bring more competition to the NXT superstars."

Renee continued, "You had to go through five women to become champion, and one of those women being your best friend Paige. What was going through your mind when you found out that you had to face Paige?"

Your smile fell, "It was hard. I was happy when she won her match, but after I won my match... I knew our friendship was gonna be put to the test. We brought the best out of each other and it showed. After Paige and I went through hell and back, I came out on top and became the NXT Women's Champion."

Before Renee could ask another question, another song filled the arena and one of the women from the locker room walked out. She had long purple hair, fair light brown skin, blinged out leather jacket, and two rings on each hand. It was the "Legit Boss" Sasha Banks.

"Y/R/N, Y/R/N, Y/R/N... congrats on your win and becoming champ, but something doesn't seem quite right? Oh yeah, it's you being champion," Sasha said. She entered the ring and stood in front of you, "You got lucky in that tournament, and if Paige didn't beat me in the semi-finals then you would've lost to me."

You smirked, "Is that right? If you didn't lose to Paige, then you would've beaten me? That's cute."

The crowd let out a huge "ooooh" after my comment to Banks. You smiled and stuck your tongue out towards the crowd to be funny.

"Oh, baby girl got smart comments? I see I see... well then, why don't you prove it," Sasha said stepping closer to you.

You chuckled, "You wanna step up to the champ? Well then... Sasha... why don't you prove. me. wrong."

Sasha dropped her microphone and removed her leather jacket. You moved Renee out of the ring and took off your jacket, (the one that TJ gave you, remember that jacket). A referee slid into the ring and backed us up from each other. He asked you if you were ready, then asked Sasha. Both of you nodded, and the bell rang.

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