Chapter 45

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Six months later:

The beautiful Florida sun was shining bright and warming up the state. You woke up and stretched your arms out. The phone rang, you groaned and grabbed the ringing device.





Good Morning, Y/N.


Morning, Carrano. What brings

you to call me at such an early hour?


First, I just want to say congratulation

on being champion for six months.


Thank you!


You're welcome. Second, the WWE creative team

believes that you deserve some time off.


Wait, what?


Yes, the creative team is giving you

time off as a present for being

the longest reigning champion, as of right now.


That's crazy! How long is

my "vacation"?


I'm not quite sure. But, I will call you if they

need you back.


Thank you Carrano, and please

extend my gratitude to the Creative Team.


I will do that. Goodbye.




You set your phone down on the bed and start screaming like a mad woman. Paige and probably the neighbors heard you. I can't believe I'm getting time off from WWE. This is crazy! What do I do until they want me back? TJ! I can finally go back to Los Angeles and see him. But, it's gonna be a surprise.

Getting dressed, you thought about how you were gonna not only surprise TJ but your parents as well. Running through different options and scenarios, you just decided on the normal deal; knock on the door and hope he's home.

In the kitchen, Paige was sitting at the breakfast bar with her phone in hand. You snuck up behind her and scared her.

"What the-," Paige said turning around.

You laughed, "Got ya."

She punched your arm, "Don't do that. Why are you so happy?"

You smiled, "Guess what Carrano just told me."

She shook her head, "What?"

"According to the Creative Team, I get time off from TV," you said holding your smile.

Paige's eyes widened, "What? How?"

"I'm the longest reigning Women's Champion, as of right now, and since I've been putting a lot of effort into my matches... they believe I deserve time off," you said while entering the pantry.

Paige growled, "Lucky... anyways, what are you gonna do on your time off?"

You leaned over the counter, "Two words...LA."

Paige smiled, "Visit TJ I see. My little girl is all grown up."

You tried to hit her, "Shut up. I'm a big girl."

Paige laughed, "And TJ's bigger."

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever."


You packed some clothes in two suitcases, one large one and a carry on. You didn't pack too much stuff, I can always go on a shopping spree when I'm there. You had called your mom earlier to tell her that you were coming and not to say anything to TJ. Everything's pack, the ticket has been purchased, and I'm good. Can tomorrow hurry up?

Paige and you had a lazy day at the house. TV marathons were playing, food was eaten, and the day was perfect. Your mind couldn't rest at the thought of flying back to Los Angeles and seeing everyone again. After the finals of the NXT Women's Championship tournament, you haven't seen your parents or TJ. Of course, you would call or text them, but seeing them and enjoying time with them is something different.

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