Chapter 113

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A month later:

A new month passed by and it brought the wedding a month closer. You looked at your calendar on your phone and counted the months down. Two more months then it's Mrs. Perkins!

TJ unlocked the hotel door and walked in to find you on your laptop typing away. He was covered in sweat and it showed because his shirt was almost transparent and hugged his upper body tightly.

You looked up from your computer and saw him standing by the desk looking through his travel bag.

"Did you add more weight today," you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah and added another rep to every set," he said digging through his bag.

"Nice job. Your new clothes are on the couch," you said returning back to your computer.

He looked over at the couch and saw his clothes he set out prior to leaving for the hotel gym, "Oh, thanks for reminding me."

"No problem, Hulk," you said.

He chuckled then walked into the bathroom to wash off the sweat. You continued to type away on your computer. What were you typing on your computer? Well, ever since you were little you always wanted to be an author, but your stories were never worthy of being published so you kept them to yourself. Once you were older, you found a website that would accept your stories, Wattpad.

You started writing a new story, and it was a true story, it's your story. You started writing about your wrestling journey, all the good, and bad memories. You wanted to start from the very beginning, and you did. The story started off with your college experience when you started training to become a wrestler, to your memories of being in AWN, memories of FCW, and all that's happening now in WWE.

The bathroom door swung open as TJ exited the bathroom in his new clothes and chuckled at you.

"What's so funny," you asked.

"You on your laptop. What are you doing anyway," he asked.

"Nothing," you said.

He slid onto the bed and tried to peek at your work. You tilted the screen closer to you to hide your creation.

"Are you changing something," he asked.

"No. We agreed that we won't change or alter anything, and I'm not," you said.

"Then what are you doing," he asked.

"It's something that I've been working on for a few months," you said.

"What is it," he asked again.

"I'll let you know when it's done," you said poking his forehead.

He sighed and gave up on asking you what you're doing. He would normally poke at it until you spill the tea, but he's too tired to do it. TJ ended up falling asleep while you continue on your computer.


It was getting late in the day so you decided for a late night gym session. You quietly got out of bed and grabbed some work out clothes from your bag. Once you were fully dressed, you snuck out of the hotel room and walked down to the hotel gym.

A few minutes later, TJ woke up from his long nap. He sat up and looked all around the room for you, but you disappeared leaving no note for him. He looked at the desk in front of him and saw your laptop sitting there on the charger.

"Should I? No, I can't do that, if she finds out that I went through her computer, I'm dead. However, I'm really curious about what she's been doing for the past month," TJ said to himself.

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