Chapter 73

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As the weeks passed, life was getting somewhere. You no longer needed crutches, but you kept them just in case. TJ was in the finals of the CWC and was going to face Gran Metalik. Paige was still in NXT as the Women's Champion, but her future was starting to look brighter.

Paige, TJ, and you were at the Performance Center. You were currently doing rehab with Josh's guide, and the other two were in the ring training. Paige was with the NXT girls training, and TJ was with some of eliminated Cruiserweights training.

You let out a heavy sigh as your second break was activated. You sat down and watched TJ in the ring working, and it was a sight to see. While you were too busy watching, basically stalking TJ, Paige snuck up behind you.

"Do you even blink," Paige suddenly said.

You jumped, "Gosh! Don't do that."

She laughed, "Sorry, but seriously do you ever blink?"

You sarcastically laughed, "Very funny. I do blink. I'm doing it right now."

Paige nodded, "I see. So how's rehab going?"

You looked back at the rehab equipment, "It's going. Each session gets harder and harder, which make sense."

She smiled, "That's great."

Josh had come back from the trainer's room to start the rehab session over again for the third time. Paige went back to the ring to train again, and you went back to rehab. Each equipment you were on was pushing your left ankle to the max, you wanted to scream because it would hurt sometimes but you had to suck it up and push on. Josh had you go through your last round of rehab, and somehow you attracted an audience.

"That's my Psycho," Paige said sitting down.

You chuckled, "Shut up."

"You'll be back in the ring in no time," Paige commented.

You shook her off and continues with the last session. Josh had you focus on one-legged squats, mainly on your left leg, to finish the session.

"Ladies and gentlemen, she's tougher than steel, she will hurt you if you mess with her, please give her a round of applause... it's Y/N," TJ announced.

Paige started clapping like TJ said which made you laugh.

"I still have one good foot, don't make it break it kicking your ass," you threatened.

"Breaking news, she's feisty as well. I advise the mass population to stay indoors until the psycho is contained," TJ said jokingly.

You finished your session by giving TJ a death stare that could send any animal into hiding. He slowly backed away with his hands in the air and walked all the way to the entrance with his hands up. Paige and you laughed at TJ as he was doing this.

"What are you gonna do with him," Paige asked.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't know yet."


It was a Thursday night and it was NXT night for Paige. You hadn't been to NXT in so long since you moved up to the main roster. Paige had a title defense against Emma tonight, so you went to the arena to support Paige and also see all your old buds that were still in NXT.

As the car pulled up to the arena, fans were outside waiting to see the superstars on NXT hoping to get autographs and pictures with their favorites. Paige and you walked into the arena to get the night started. You walked around taking in the memories of your NXT days, and Paige left to go get ready for tonight.

As the night went on, it was time for Paige's title defense against Emma. Paige had been champion for about five and a half months now, just half a month away from tying with your reign. The match started and Paige had no problem taking Emma down. (I'm gonna skip the details of the match.)

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