Chapter 49

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The morning appeared both of you were sound asleep still. However, TJ was the first one to wake up. His eyes fluttered open, his long arms stretched out and a big moan escaped his mouth. You groaned and moved your head, but you were still asleep. TJ smiled at the sight of you still asleep.

"Morning Princess," he said in his husky morning voice.

He stayed on the couch and stroked your hair. You moved around a little bit, but still asleep. How tired was she, TJ thought. He was in awe of your sleeping figure, while he continued stroking your hair, he talked to himself about all the things that he loved about you.

"I'm glad that we met," he said while looking out the window. He went on, "When I first met you back in Florida, I thought you were cool. I don't see a lot of wrestlers, but when I saw you and Paige... I was happy to see others like me. I know Paige didn't tell you this, but she said you were staring at me when I took the ring first instead of you two. After our first encounter, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I don't know what it is about you, but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Seeing you smile and laugh brings me joy, and when you're sad or feeling bad, I want to be there to make you feel better. Your mom told me about your ex, and just know that I would never do anything like that to you. That guy was dumb, he didn't appreciate the girl that he had, he didn't love you as I do. I will go above and beyond to give you the best life that you can ever dream of. I will cherish you and love you till my last breath, and one day... hopefully... we'll be together forever. I love you to the moon and back."

Even though you were asleep, you could still hear, and hearing all the things that TJ said brought you to tears. A single teardrop left your eye and rolled down your cheek. The tear landed on TJ's shirt, he noticed the wet drop and looked at you. He woke you up and hugged you, he knew you heard everything and he's glad that you did.

"Hey... it's okay. I'm just speaking the truth," he said hugging you.

You wiped some of the tears away, "I know that. It's just... I've never had anyone like you before. Thank you."

He smiled, "You don't have to thank me, I will love you no matter what."

You weakly smiled back at him, "I love you too."

He released you from the hug, "Why don't we go do some fun stuff today?"

You nodded, "Like what?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'll think of something. But, I think we should take you back so you can change."

Both of you stood up from the couch and headed for the door. You and TJ got in the car and drove to your parent's house.


The car pulled up to the house and you got out of the car. You looked back inside the car and waved TJ off.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm gonna head back to my place and change as well," he said.

You nodded, "Okay. I'll text you when I'm ready."

He nodded and pulled out of the driveway. You headed to the front door and let yourself in, your mom was sitting on the couch watching the morning news.

"Morning mom," you said closing the door.

"Morning Y/N. Where were you last night," she question.

"At TJ's place. We hung out after the show and fell asleep on the couch," you said reaching the stairs.

"Did anything happen," she asked raising her eyebrows.

A hint a blush hit your cheeks, "MOM! Since when did you get a young teenagers mind?"

She chuckled, "I have a right to think that way. Now, did anything happen?"

You rolled your eyes, "Mom... I'm twenty-one years old, I can do whatever I want. We had pizza and watched the Dodgers."

She smiled, "I know you didn't do anything like that, I just wanted to see you get embarrassed like that."

You chuckled and ran up the stairs to change. Jumping in the shower, you cleaned yourself off and dried your body and hair quickly. The phone hasn't buzzed yet so you still have time before TJ comes back.

You looked at your options and decided to go with something cute, it's warm today so shorts are a must today. The look was complete, your hair was wavy, your outfit was cute, and your makeup was simple.

Looking at the mirror one more time, your phone buzzed. You looked at the text and read what was sent. Perfect timing TJ. Grabbing a messenger bag, you stuck your phone in it and headed out the door.

You walked up to the car and let yourself in. TJ was in normal street wear with a gray snapback. The outfits were a total sign of opposites attract, you thought about it and smiled. He looked over at you and smiled.

"You look cute today. You make me feel underdressed," he said chuckling.

You giggled, "Thanks. I like your outfit, it totally speaks streetwear."

During the car ride, you wondered where TJ was taking you to. We just passed his place... so where are we going? You shook the thought off and enjoyed the drive. The trip lasted an hour, but finally, we made it to the destination. The car pulled up to the location and parked it in a spot. Both of you stepped out of the car, looking around the property that's covered in flowers.

"Welcome to Flower Fields," TJ said extending his arm out.

"Wow! This place is insane. Where are we exactly," you asked.

"This is Carlsbad, California. Have you never been here before," he asked.

You shook your head, "No, but now I wish I have."

He laughed, "Come on. This place will leave you speechless, well by the pictures it should leave you speechless?"

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