Chapter 88

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After you left Carrano's office, some of the superstars asked what happened with you in his office, but you kept your mouth shut. They don't need to know your business, only Paige and TJ get to know.

You walked down the hallway of the arena with a cold look on your face. Yes, you were pissed at WWE, but you have to "trust the system." Halfway down the hallway, Paige stopped you and pulled you aside.

"Spill the tea, what happened," Paige asked.

"Carrano didn't like what I said out there and that I have to 'trust the system'," you said.

Paige frowned, "This is the longest waiting game ever."

You nodded, "I know right! This sucks, I want my opportunity again and I'm not getting it. Did they forget about me?"

Paige rubbed your arm, "They didn't forget about you. They're probably trying to figure out what to do with you."

You nodded, "Okay."

Paige and you went into the locker room and changed into sweat pants and a loose t-shirt since you were done with your match and Paige had nothing to do since she wasn't on TV this week.


Once you left the locker room, some of the superstars would ask what happened with you and Carrano, but again you bit your tongue and tried to not go off on anyone. It was so hard to not blow up and throw things around just to let out your anger. You walked towards catering to get some food because food will calm you down during times like these.

Almost reaching the doorway, you felt a pull on your wrist that pulled you in the opposite direction. You couldn't fight the force so you gave up and walked back to whoever was pulling you away from the food.

After walking backward with whoever was pulling you, stopped near some of the production boxes and whipped you around to stand in front. Once you turned your body to the mystery person, your eyes landed upon the one and only Fil-Am-Flash.

"Why did you pull me away from food," you whined.

He chuckled, "Because I wanted to talk to you. Paige told me Mark wanted to talk to you, so what happened?"

You rolled your eyes, "Nothing."

He raised an eyebrow, "Just nothing? That never happens, tell me what happened?"

You sighed, "Fine, only because I hate lying to you. Mark told me to never pull that kind of promo ever again unless it gets approved by the higher-ups, and that I should 'trust the system' when it comes to my rematch for the Divas title."

He nodded, "I gotta agree with Mark on that, you can't just go out there and start demanding for title opportunities. Everyone has to have their fair shot before they restart the cycle."

You rolled your eyes once again, "Now you're starting to sound like Mark."

"Oh well, it's best if you understand it from another performers perspective," he said.

You were starting to get angry, "I don't need people to tell me how to live my life or to tell me how to wrestle. I do whatever I want, whenever I want because it's my career, not anyone else's. I'm tired of waiting, I'm running thin on patience, and I don't want another person to tell me what to do."

TJ tried to push his hand on your shoulder to calm you down, but it wasn't going to work. You shoved TJ's hand away from you and got even angrier, "All I want right now is the Divas Championship around my waist and not around anyone else's. I need to reclaim my dominance in the Divas locker room and I need to show them that they can't beat me ever again."

TJ took a step back before you do something drastic, "Y/N calm down, please."

You ran your left hand through your hair, "I'll calm down once I get what I came back for! You don't understand this frustration because you won your title basically on your first day. Now I know I kind of did the same thing, but this is different. I hadn't been wrestling for eighteen plus years like you, I've been wrestling for four or five years (I think that's right?), so it's important for me to show the WWE and everyone around the world that short resume in the wrestling world can make you a champion."

"Y/N, I know you don't wanna hear this, but you need to calm down and breath," he said as he tried to take a step closer.

You stuck your arm out to stop him, "Don't tell me to calm down right now. You've been wrestling longer than me, you've been through worse things than me, you don't anything to worry about, I do! I had to live with people constantly tell me that I can't become a wrestler, that I can't make it to the big leagues, and that I'll never be a champion. Well, look at me! I was FCW Women's champion, I was NXT Women's champion, and I WAS WWE Divas Champion. I could've been champion in one independent company I was apart of for a couple of months, but they ran me out. They told me that I couldn't wrestle, that I couldn't be like them, and that I wouldn't survive in this world! Sometimes I want to find that company again and show them that I've made it, but that's never gonna happen. You, on the other hand, had nothing to worry about. You've been doing this since you were 13 years-old in high school. You've been everywhere, Japan, Mexico, Canada, America, and possibly Europe. I've been here for years, I've wrestled only in the United States, the only time I go anywhere international is with WWE and that's all. You've gone through hell and back, and I've been living in hell for months ever since I had my injury. You have nothing to worry about, I do! You're on TV about every week where I'm hoping to get a match just to remind the WWE Universe that I'm still here. It's not fair!"

Tears were starting to fall from your eyes, you couldn't hold back any longer. TJ wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he pulled you into his warm embrace and wrapped his arms around your figure.

"It's not fair," you quietly sobbed.

TJ lifted his right hand up to your hair and started to stroke it to calm you down, "I know it's not. It's okay, calm down. I'm with you all the way no matter what."

Once you calmed down, TJ kissed your forehead before heading back to the locker room. "You good," he asked.

You nodded, "I'm good. Thank you."

He smiled, "No need to thank me, I'm just keeping your sanity in check. Psycho."

You giggled, "Shut up, Playboy."

He chuckled, "I love it when you say that."

You wrinkled your nose, "You're weird, get away from me."

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