Chapter 82

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Later in the night, it was time for Monday Night Raw. All the superstars, staff members, and the higher-ups were running around everywhere before the show starts.

You were with some of the girls at the makeup station talking and getting ready. Paige, Sasha, Ember, and you were getting all glammed up by the WWE Glam Squad. All the girls talked about the latest drama, tonight's matches, and their week.

"I'm so tired, I can use a day off right now," Sasha said.

"The only time we could get a day off is if we injure ourselves in a match," Ember said.

All the girls agreed to that statement. Paige turned to you and asked you how your day was.

"How was your day today, Y/N," Paige asked.

"It was good. TJ and I walked around Chicago for a while and that's about it," you said.

"I thought TJ and you were going out to eat at some expensive restaurant," Paige questioned.

"That's what I wanted to do for him, but the stupid place was fully booked," you said with an annoyed expression.

"So what did you do for him then," Sasha asked.

"I got him breakfast," you simply said.

"But TJ's a gamer, right? Why didn't you buy him a new video game that he doesn't have," Ember said.

"Well I asked him what he wanted, and all he said was nothing. He rather have nothing than have everything," you replied.

"That makes sense. He rather have you for a present than a simple video game," Paige said.

You pointed to Paige and nodded, "That's exactly what he said."


After you got hair and makeup done, your stomach rumbled pretty loudly. You looked down at your stomach and rubbed it.

"Are you hungry? Let's go get food," you said to your stomach. (Don't act like you don't do this sometimes.)

Entering the catering room, the rows and rows of food filled the room with delicious smells. Your mouth started watering at the scent of food. You walked over and grabbed yourself a plate. In WWE, they don't you to fill up on food too much because you're constantly moving, flying, punching, and kicking around. Once your plate was filled with a reasonable amount of food, you found an empty table to sit at and eat.

You started eating and enjoying being by yourself, which doesn't bother you at all. While you were enjoying time alone, a chair across from you moved back and seated another superstar.

"Hey Y/N, long time no see," the person said.

"Sami! I haven't seen you in forever, how are you," you said as you got up to hug Sami Zayn.

"I've been good. How have you been," he asked.

"I've been good as well. It's been forever since you left NXT," you said.

He nodded his head, "It has. I've missed you."

You smiled, "I missed you too."

"How's life been? I know you and TJ are together still, but how's that going," he asked.

"TJ and I are super good. It's his birthday today, but we've been good," you said with a nice grin.

"That's good. Tell him I said happy birthday," he said.

"I will," you replied.

"I wish we could talk more, but I gotta go. Bye Y/N," Sami said.

"Bye Sami," you said.

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