Chapter 112

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A week later:

A new week rolled around and WWE was set in Texas for all three shows. RAW was in San Antonio and Smackdown Live/205 Live was in Houston. TJ wasn't needed for 205 Live, again, and it was really bothering you.

"How come you aren't needed on 205 a lot," you questioned.

"Vince said they have nothing for me to do right now, so I'm not complaining," he said.

You nodded, "Okay."

Everyone knows that a significant other should not interfere with their work, but it doesn't apply to WWE. You want to talk to Carrano and Vince about TJ being on the bench, but you don't wanna mess with his career since he doesn't mess with yours.

Currently, TJ and you were at Josh's studio for the podcast interview. You're always nervous about interviews, but TJ's calm about it like he always is. Josh talked to both of you for a little bit collecting and writing questions or small facts about both of you for the interview. Once Josh had enough questions and small facts, the podcast was underway.

Josh: Good morning my awesome listens! You know me, Josh, here on the Celebrity Talk with two awesome WWE Superstars. This gentleman won the CWC, he is the first-ever Cruiserweight Champion, he's traveled all around the world at a young age, and he's an all-around great guy. Please welcome WWE Superstar TJ Perkins!

TJ: Hey, Josh. It's great to be on this podcast.

Josh: It's great having you on here, but we have someone else too. My second guest along with TJP is an absolute badass. She was the longest reigning FCW Women's Champion, longest reigning NXT Champion, Divas Champion, and she's the current WWE RAW Women's Champion. Please welcome WWE Superstar Y/R/N a.k.a Y/N.

You: Hello! It's great to be here with you and TJ today doing this interview.

Josh: Let me go ahead and say this, Y/N. When TJ called me and told me that you were gonna be on here too, I died.

You: Really?

Josh: Yes, I was so happy. I had two kids, a son, and a daughter, and when I told them that both of you were gonna be on here, they lost it. My son loves you to death, and my daughter loves TJ. They literally gave me a list of questions to ask both of you, and I incorporated them into my questions so they could feel included too.

TJ: Wow. If they're listening we both say "hello" and hopefully we could meet them down the road.

Josh: If they saw both of you right now, they would be on the ground dead because you two inspire them to be better than ever and be positive when something bad happens.

You: That's so sweet.

Josh: Alright, let's get into the questions. Now, both of you are from Los Angeles, California. Did you two know each other or was it later in life?

You: We never met each other till we were both in our early twenties. He's older than me by two years, so it wasn't like we knew each other in school or something. (I think that's the age gap I put earlier? I don't know anymore, I didn't write down the timeline or anything. Just work with me here.)

TJ: Yeah, and I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and moved to southern California when I was about two or three. Y/N, on the other hand, was born and raised in Los Angeles, so she beats me in living in LA longer.

Josh: So, TJ and you never met as kids, but you two met in your early twenties in Florida. Correct?

TJ: Yes, we met in our early twenties in Florida. She and Paige were at a local gym there and all three of us happen to bump into each other.

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