Chapter 55

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One year later: (sorry for the major time skip)

After one whole year of being in WWE, couldn't be better. You're still the NXT Women's Champion, Paige and you are still "sisters", and your relationship with TJ was at a year and five months.

Backstage at NXT was like any other night, hang out, wrestle, and go home. While you were backstage talking to Corey Graves, Mark Carrano approached you.

"Hey guys, what's going on," Carrano asked.

"Nothing much, we're just talking," Graves replied.

"That's good because I need you, Y/N, to come with me," Carrano said pointing at you.

You swallowed hard, "Uh oh! I'm in trouble."

Carrano laughed as you followed behind him. When Carrano wants to talk to you, and it involved following him, you know it means bad news or good news. Both of you arrived at Carrano's office and walked in.

"Have a seat," Carrano gestured.

You sat down, "Am I in trouble?"

He laughed, "No, you're not in trouble. I had a meeting a few weeks ago with the higher-ups about you."

Your eyes widened, "I wanna say that's good, but I don't wanna jinx anything."

He smiled, "It wasn't a bad meeting, but I do have good news and bad news."

You nodded, "Okay?"

Carrano took a deep breath, "The bad news is, you won't be Women's Champion the day after Wrestlemania."

You looked down at your title, "What? Why?"

He waved his hand around, "Let me finish. You're gonna lost the title in a match, and the opponent will be your choice. The good news is, WWE thinks you're ready for the main roster."

You nearly died after the news, "Whaaaaaaaaaat? I'm gonna be on the main roster?"

Carrano smiled, "That's correct! You'll get to see Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Sami Zayn, and AJ Lee again."

You smiled, "This is crazy. I don't know what to say or do?"

Carrano stood up, "I would say jump up and down, but you need to focus on your match against Bayley."

You stood up as well and hugged Carrano, "Thank you, Mark!"

He hugged back, "No problem kid. Now go win your match."


Later that night, you went on to have your match with Bayley... coming out victorious. The match was pretty well fought, both of you had equal opportunities in the match to dominate. Making your way backstage, some of the superstars you've grown close to congratulated you, hugged you, etc. Paige came up to you and hugged you.

"My girl is unstoppable," Paige said.

"Thanks, girly," you replied.

"We've been in NXT for what, a year? When are we gonna move up," Paige asked you.

You looked away, "Yeah. It's been a year now, but WWE holds our future."

She nodded, "That's true. Come on, let's get you cleaned up then we can head home."

You nodded, "Alright!"


When you got home, you took a shower and changed into comfy clothes for the night. Sitting on your bed scrolling through social media, people were congratulating you, praising you, and sending sweet messages to you. While on Twitter, TJ texted you.



Hey! Congrats on your victory.

You're a complete natural.


Thanks! I guess you were



Always! I miss you, btw.


I miss you too :(


I got a match tomorrow,

are you gonna watch the live stream?


If I'm not busy I will.


Yay! The match is at 2 pm.


That's early? What happened to

8 pm matches?


Different company this time.


Huh? That's new.


I know right? Anyways it

getting pretty late in LA, I'll talk

to you tomorrow. Goodnight Sunshine!


Okay. Goodnight Playboy!


After the conversation, you went back to social media and continued scrolling. Twitter was getting boring, Snapchat had nothing new, so Instagram was your last choice. Continuous scrolling, and liking every other picture was starting to get boring. Before you went to sleep, you snap a quick selfie and posted it.

 Before you went to sleep, you snap a quick selfie and posted it

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Y/I/N: After a hard-fought battle with @itsmebayley sleep is a must!!!!! Goodnight my sweet fans <3

After your Instagram post, you set your phone down and went to sleep. However, in the back of your mind, the conversation with Carrano was coming back. I'm gonna be on the main roster after Wrestlemania, and that's in three months! What am I gonna do? Am I gonna have to change my character, give her a new gimmick, new name, new outfit, new what? I need to stop thinking right now, I NEED SLEEP!!!

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