Chapter 29

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The sun rose and shined bright in the bedroom, ugh... that was probably the best sleep I've ever had. You sat up and smelled something cooking downstairs, what is he doing? You got up from the bed and traveled downstairs to find TJ in the kitchen cooking something.

"That smells good. What're you making," you asked entering the kitchen.

"Omelettes, want one," he asked.

You smirked, "I would think the host the would be kind enough to cook for his guest?"

He smiled, "And you are correct."

You walked next to him and inhaled the smell of the omelet cooking. TJ's hand snaked around your waist and held you closer to him. He placed a kiss on your forehead and smiled.

"Did you sleep well," he asked.

You nodded, "Yes. That bed is really comfy, by the way."

He smiled, "Thanks. Why don't you sit down and I shall deliver your food to you?"

You nodded once again, "Okay." You walked to the other side of the kitchen island and took a seat. You watched TJ prepare and cook another omelet for you, I could watch him cook for hours. He turned the stove off and placed the second omelet on a plate, he pushed it over to you and you gladly accepted it. He sat next to you and both of you enjoyed the specially made breakfast.

"What are you plans for today," TJ asked taking another bite.

"Nothing that I know of," you replied looking into the air thinking. "What's your plan for today?"

"Well, I have another match but it's in San Diego," he said setting down his fork.

"Oh... that's good. So I guess you'll have to train before then. When's the match," you asked setting down your fork.

"Wednesday night, another main event match," he said taking our plates.

"Sounds fantastic! Hopefully, I can make it," you said playing with your hands.

"What are you talking about," he asked turned around.

"Paige and I will have to leave for Florida again pretty soon. We only had a month off from wrestling," you explained.

TJ's face dropped, "I totally forgot, but you can't leave."

You pouted, "I know you don't want me to leave, but WWE is something Paige and I worked for and now it's happening. I know from your experience and capability that you'll make it to WWE as well."

He smiled but was still sad, "I hope so."

You got up and walked towards him. Your snaked your arms around his muscular waist and hugged him, "It's not a 'hope so' things, it's more like 'I better be' thing."

He smiled and hugged me back, "Thanks. I know I made the right decision to call you mine."


After this mornings breakfast and talk about the wrestling future, TJ took you back home and dropped you off. Both of you waved goodbye and went on with the day. Paige and you were in her room talking about last night and everything that happened until your phone rang. Paige and you looked at each other confused, but you picked up your phone and put it on speaker.





Hello and good morning. I am calling for Y/N Y/L/N.


This is Y/N and Paige.


That's good! This is WWE calling in regards to

your new company.


We were wondering when the

company was going to call us.


Well, we're here calling you.

We are calling because Paige and you will need

to come to TV next week.


That's kind of early?

What day do you need us?


We need you to come on Thursday at 5pm.


Okay, Thursday sounds like a plan.


Alright, thank you ladies and see you Thursday.


You're welcome. Goodbye.




You hung up and looked at Paige, both of you jumped up from the bed and started screaming and jumping for joy. On Thursday, you and Paige's life are about to get crazier than usual. Traveling more, wrestling more, and meeting new competition. You stopped fangirling and looked back at your phone.

"What is it," Paige asked.

"TJ has a match on Wednesday in San Diego," you said with sadness in your voice.

"Really, that's new? We need to go and watch before we fly back," she replied.

"Paige, I don't think we'll even be able to see him fight," you pointed out.

"What do you mean," she asked tilting her head.

"We have to be at NXT Thursday at 5 p.m. The flight back to Florida is four to five hours," you said.

"So? Go watch TJ fight and leave early the next morning. Simple as that," she said.

You nodded, "You make a good point there. Ugh, what am I gonna tell TJ? I don't think either one of us can handle a long distance relationship being that he asked me to be his last night."

Paige engulfed you in a hug, "I know that, but look on the bright side, if you two do a long distance relationship then the desire to see each other is greater."

You smiled, "That's true, but what do I tell him?"

Paige waved it off, "It doesn't matter right now, he'll understand when it comes time."

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