Chapter 109

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(Major time skip! Sorry.)

Three months later:

Months had passed and stress came quicker than usual, why? Well, you have a wedding coming up soon and you don't have a dress yet. At this point, frustrated is a light word.

You and TJ finished all the planning a few weeks ago and got everything ordered and reserved. TJ had all his stuff done so he was stress-free. What am I saying? TJ never gets stressed. Everything was placed, set, and sent but the one thing that wasn't set was YOUR DRESS! You worried so much on planning and didn't even think about a dress.

"What am I gonna do," you said to yourself.

"What," TJ said as he came from downstairs.

"Everything is done, but I don't have a dress at all. You have your tux, but I don't have a dress. What am I gonna do," you said running your fingers through your hair.

"How about you sleep the stress off, and go dress shopping tomorrow," he said.

"Okay, I can try," you said as you slid down on the couch.

You laid your head down on a pillow and TJ covered you with a blanket. He smiled at you once you were covered, then ascended upstairs to his office. You closed your eyes and waited for the sleep to take over, but it wasn't happening.

This dress is seriously messing me up. What if I can't find THE ONE in time? It takes a dress like eight months to arrive, but I have enough time before then, you thought.

You tried once again to sleep, but it wasn't working at all. You kicked the blanket off and grabbed your phone.



I'm in need of major help!


What's up?


What happened?


Did you not order something?


What's wrong?

I don't have a dress!






Oh, girl...


Help me! I need to go wedding dress

shopping and I don't know where to go.


You're lucky I live in LA now.

I'll help... like always.


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