Chapter 20

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Skipping to Friday:

Friday came early like Thanksgiving, I woke up and saw a message had been sent to me. Who is texting me at nine in the morning?



Good morning, Sunshine!


Good morning, Playboy!


Are you ready for tonight?


Yeah! I'm ready to have an awesome night.


Sweet! I'll pick you up around

7:30 p.m.?


Sounds good to me.


I'll see you tonight.


I'll be waiting.


The whole morning and afternoon was practically boring. Paige and you stayed home instead of working out, so that called for an all-day movie marathon. The movie genres ranged from family-friendly, action, comedy, romantic, tragedy, and animation.

The whole day was spent with movies, popcorn, drinks, and laughter. At least the day is distracting your mind before tonight's date.


Around 6:30 p.m. Paige and your mom helped you with hair and makeup. Paige was the hairdresser and your mom was the makeup stylist. Please be good, please be good.

You sat down on a stool in the kitchen and sat still for your stylists to work their magic. "Please don't go overboard or both of you are fired," you said sternly.

"We don't go overboard, trust us," Paige said plugging in the flat iron.

You relax while Paige did your hair first, please be good. About thirty minutes went by and Paige finally finished.

"There, I'm done," Paige said turning off and unplugging the flat iron.

"My turn," your mom said grabbing her makeup.

You held up your hand before she could apply foundation, "Don't go crazy. I just want a natural look."

Your mom giggled, "I won't overdo it. Trust me."

"I'll try," you said closing your eyes.

Your mom finished your makeup and handed you a mirror, I hope I don't look like a clown. The reflection in the mirror was really pretty. Wow, they actually did a good job.

"Well," your mom said nervously.

"It's... amazing! You two really did a good job," you said looking in the mirror still.

"And you look like a Goddess," Paige said hugging you from behind.

Paige and your mom sat in the living room watching TV, while you were in your room. You sat around listening to music.

Back in the living room, the doorbell rang. Who's at the door, Paige thought. She opened the door and saw a man standing there nervously.

"TJ," Paige said in surprise.

"Hey, Paige. I'm here to pick up Y/N," he said rubbing his hands together, clearly nervous.

Your mom headed to the door and saw TJ standing in the doorway. "Paige, who's this," she asked.

"My names TJ, Mrs. L/N," he said shaking your mom's hand.

"Let me go get her," your mom said.

She stood at the foot of the stairs, "Y/N! TJ's here!"

You left your room and descended down the stairs. You saw TJ standing in the living room with Paige. She pointed to the stairs and TJ followed her finger and landed his eyes on you. His eyes popped out when he laid his eyes on you, and a hint of blush rushed to your cheeks.

"Hey," TJ squicked,

"Hey," you replied.

"You, um... look really beautiful," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

You looked down at your shoes blushing, "Thanks. You look really good."

He smiled, "Thanks. So, shall we go?"

You nodded, "We shall go." We headed to the front door, and TJ held it open for you. "Bye, mom! Bye Paige," you hollered before exiting the house.

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