Chapter 28

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Saturday night:

Paige finished your hair and makeup when your mom knocked on the door.

"Sweetheart, TJ's here," your mom said entering the room. "Oh, look at you. You look so beautiful in my dress and necklace."

You smiled, "Thanks, mom. You were Paige and I's savior. We had no dresses whatsoever."

She smiled, "It's no problem. Love the shoes by the way."

You smiled again and looked at your shoes, "Thanks."

Paige walked you to the top of the stairs and told you to wait. She walked down the stairs and saw TJ pacing back and forth.

"Wow TJ, looking snazzy," Paige complimented.

"Thanks, Paige. Where's Y/N," he asked looking around.

"Ah, no worries. TJ Perkins, you are about to blown away by the beauty and grace of this wonderful girl. She is unique, cute, sassy, and tough. You better treat her right or I will drop you where you stand." TJ just laughed. "Please, give it up for the beautiful goddess herself... Y/N."

I guess that's my cue? You walked down the stairs slowly to build the suspense and when you reached TJ's sight lines, his jaw dropped and his eyes bugged out. I guess I impressed him?

You walked up to him and smiled, "Hey Playboy."

He tried to recompose himself, "Hey... um... wow, I don't know what to say?"

You giggled, "I guess I have that effect on people?"

He smiled, "I guess you do. Shall we go?" He stuck his arm out and you gladly took it.

"Have fun you two, but not too much fun," Paige called out.

You rolled your eyes, "Paige... we're not stupid."

She laughed, "I know that. I'm being the protective friend/stepmother."

End of POV


TJ and you got in the car and backed out of the driveway. Instead of backing out to the left and driving right, he went in the opposite direction.

"Uh, TJ... where are we going," you asked in concern.

"We are not going downtown to eat. We are going uptown to a private restaurant," he said smiling.

You nodded and let TJ drive you to the location. The car pulled up to a house, and it was pretty big, it looked like a three-story house. TJ got out and walked to your side and opened the car door for you.

He bowed and placed his hand out, "Madam, we have arrived."

You laughed and took his hand, "Who's house is this?"

He stretched out his other hand and scanned it over the building, "Welcome to Da La Perkins."

Your eyes got bigger, "This is your place?"

He lead you to his front door and unlocked it, "Yes. I hope you don't mind dinner at my place?"

You shook your head, "I'm good with that."

Your POV:

He opened the door and the first thing I see is two sets of stairs, one leading up and the other leading down. I must say his house looks good so far.

"Those stairs lead to my man cave/gaming room and these stairs lead to the living room and kitchen," he said pointing to the bottom stairs and top stairs.

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