Chapter 15

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Two days later:

Tonight, TJ has another match at the same high school gym like last time. I better bring a jacket this time since I know it's gonna be cold in there. I went over to Paige's room and asked her one more time if she wanted to go, but no. Your outfit for the night complimented the jacket quite nicely.

You said goodbye to your parents and headed down the street. The tram arrived just in time and hopped on.

You made it to the gym just in time for the doors to open, yes! You entered the gym, and your predictions were right, the gym was so cold as it was last time. Most of the seats weren't taken and lucky you found a seat in the front row behind the barricade, Paige and you sat in the exact same seats last time. You took a picture on the ring and sent it to both Paige and TJ.



*picture of the ring*

Made it to the gym. I'll see you after the show!

Love you Vampire!


Oh good! Love you too!

Let me know if TJ makes a move ;)


Grow up!



*picture of the ring*

Good luck tonight!




And please don't use that playboy attitude.

It doesn't work on every girl.


No promises ;)




Your POV:

The show started and I must say, some of the men were actually better. The main event was about to start, but someone behind you tapped your shoulder.

"Excuse me miss? I wanted to ask you where did you get that jacket from," the girl behind you asked.

"Oh, I didn't buy it. I came to the show a few nights ago and TJ Perkins gave it to me," I replied.

She gave me a shook expression, "What? TJ Perkins gave you his jacket? You are so lucky! I wonder what he's gonna do next and who the lucky girl is gonna be this time?"

I giggled, "Yeah. I wonder who?"

The ring announcer took center stage and held the microphone up to his mouth, "Ladies and gentlemen it's time for the main event!" The first competitor stepped out from backstage and soaked in the reaction from the crowd. "From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 260 lbs. Mister Mike!"

The crowd was half and half with Mister Mike, pretty impressive. Then the whole gym fell silent, the crowd waited for the announcer to introduce the next guy.

The ring announcer held up the microphone one more time to introduce Mike's opponent, "And his opponent... from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 176 lbs. TJ Perkins!!!!"

When I say the crowd erupted, I mean the crowd erupted like a volcano just blew up! Everyone was screaming, girls and boys. Just like last time, all the girls rushed up to the barricade to receive some type of affection from TJ.

 He walked around doing his "normal" playboy routine, blowing kisses, winking, etc. He didn't give anyone his shirt or new jacket? That's weird?

End of POV


During the match, TJ had the upper hand the entire match. Girls were going nuts, guys were cheering, and TJ was feeding off of all the energy.

TJ struck Mike with a pretty wicked knee strike that knocked him out. The crowd popped off from the strike, but he didn't cover him. Instead, TJ jumped out of the ring and try to swoon all the girls. How do these girls buy his act? Serious playboy vibe.

He walked around and landed in front of you. You could tell he was in his "character" and it showed pretty well in the crowds' eyes.

"I like your jacket. Where did you get it," he said trying to play dumb.

You sarcastically laughed, "Thanks. I got it from a guy who gave it to me."

He laughed, "He has a pretty good taste in clothing... and women." He winked at you and grabbed your hand. He lifted up your hand and kiss it like you were royalty, "My lady."

You quickly looked down when a hint of pink blush came to your face. You felt a pair of soft lips on your forehead, you jolted up and he smiled at you. "What was that," you whispered only for him to hear.

He whispered back, "Meet me out back like last time."

You tried so hard not to slap him across his smug playboy face, and you did. You looked behind him and pointed to Mike coming too in the ring, "You better focus on your match."

TJ looked back to the ring and refocused. You hollered at him one last time, "Playboy!"

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