Chapter 25

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Another week has risen in Los Angeles, the day was bright and sunny as you dressed for the gym. Another day at the gym, another day of learning new moves. A knock was sounded on your door, you called for the person to enter, and it was Paige.

"Morning girly. Going to the gym today," She asked.

You nodded, "Meeting TJ at noon, wanna come?"

She thought about it, "I haven't been in a couple of days, so... I'll tag in. What's he been teaching you?"

"Two of his moves, Spiderman Catch, and the Kneebar," you replied.

She nodded and sat on your bed, "I need you to clarify something for me, missy."

You tilted your head, "What do I need to clarify?"

She smiled, "Are you and TJ dating?"

You looked away towards your window, "I have no idea actually?"

Her jaw dropped, "What?!? So you're telling me that this dude took you on two dates and kissed you twice... and he hasn't said you're his girlfriend?"

You shook your head, "He... wait a minute... how did you know he kissed me twice?"

She pointed to your window, "I have a window in my room that shows the street and the driveway. Plus, I may have peaked when he was leaving last night."

You gave her a death stare, "Paige!"

She laughed, "What, can I not be concerned and fangirl over my little girl getting another man?"

You grabbed her arms and pushed her out the door, "Leave the premises or you're dead. We leave in forty minutes." You shut the door and stood behind it looking across the room where your phone is. Am I really his girlfriend or not? I'm kind of afraid to ask.


Paige and you arrived at the gym and saw TJ sitting in the middle of the ring on his phone. Very quietly, Paige and you snuck up on him from opposite sides. You gave the countdown with your fingers before both of you pounce and scare him. 1... 2... 3!

"What the-" TJ said falling back.

Paige and you laughed. "Now who's the scared one," you said.

TJ stood up and dropped his phone in his bag, "Enough scares and let's start wrestling. I'm guessing Paige wants some pointers as well?"

Paige nodded, "Yes. I would love to learn a move or two."


After an hour, all three wrestlers took a break. Paige looked at you and motioned a 'you need to talk to him', you nodded and waited for Paige to walk off. You sat in the ring and TJ hopped out to get a drink from his bag. You tossed the thought of talking to him back and forth, should I or should I not? If I don't, then I may never know. You crawled over to the edge of the ring and sat behind the ropes. TJ sat on the bench looking at his phone and taking shots of water.

"Hey TJ, I have a question," you asked.

He set his phone down and looked at you, "What's up?"

You swallowed before speaking, "Um... I have a question about... 'us'."

He looked at you with confusion, "What about us? Is this about me kissing you?"

You dropped your head, "That's the thing... the kiss... what does that make us?"

He looked down and scratched the back of his neck, "Oh... I never thought about that? Um... how about we go out Saturday night?"

You threw your head back, "Seriously? I'm asking about us and you're thinking about going out Saturday night?"

He reached for your hand and held it, "I can tell your mad and frustrated, but trust me. Will you go out with me on Saturday?"

You rolled your eyes, "Fine. Where are we going?"

He smiled, "That... will be a surprise."

You rolled your eyes and laughed as Paige hopped back in the ring. She looked at you and TJ with a suspicious yet confused look. TJ turned back to his bag and Paige looked at you with a confused expression.

"I'll tell you later," you mouthed. She nodded and both of you acted like nothing was said.


Paige and you walked back home talking about what happened when she was away. You explained to her what was said and she was clearly frustrated just like you.

"I feel like I need to ask a guy what goes through their mind when he doesn't say you're his girlfriend," you said kicking a rock.

"Who are you gonna ask," Paige asked.

"I'll text Seth when we get home," you replied. "For right now, let's stop talking about my situation and talk about something else."

Fil-Am-LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora