Chapter 22

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Saturday morning arose as your phone buzzed twice. Why can't the world let me sleep peacefully for once? You rolled over to your phone and turned it on, you clicked the message icon and looked at who texted you.



Good morning! Last night was fun.

10 minutes later


Are you still asleep? I'm sorry if

I woke you up.


Morning! And yes, you did wake me.

I could kick your ass right now.


Sorry, haha. Speaking of kicking ass,

do you want to meet at the gym later?

I could teach you a move or two...


That sounds fun!

What time do you wanna meet?


How does noon sound?

After our training session,

I could take you out to lunch.


I would love that!

I'll see you at the gym.


You got out of bed and got dressed in a workout outfit to meet TJ later, it was only 9:30 a.m. In the kitchen waiting for you was your mom and Paige. You entered the kitchen and saw both women looking at you with begging eyes to spill the tea on last nights date.

Your POV:

I walked into the kitchen and saw both my mom and Paige sitting there waiting for me. This should be fun. Should I leave out our kiss or not? I don't know.

"So... how did the date last night go," mom asked nervously, but with excitement in her voice.

"It was good," I said with no expression to be read.

"You're lying," Paige said calling me out.

I laughed, "Okay fine... it was amazing."

Mom and Paige started fangirling, then trying to calm down for the story to continue.

I went on, "Anyways, we went to the restaurant and it was really pretty. We sat outside where we could listen to the band, and the food was amazing!" Paige and mom were smiling. "The band started playing a slow song, and about six different couples got up and danced; we were one of the six."

Mom smiled, "The night sounded magical."

I smiled, "It was. So... after dinner we went down the stairs of the restaurant that lead to the beach, and we walked for hours talking and laughing."

Paige had to interrupt me, "Please tell me a kiss was involved."

I pointed at her, "Hush!"

She read my face like a book, "Ah! There was a kiss involved, I can see it in your face."

I blushed, "Shut up! All he did was kiss my forehead when he walked me up to the door. That's all!"

Paige and my mom looked at each other and raised an eyebrow. I just rolled my eyes and left the kitchen.

"Wait! Where are you going," Paige yelled.

"Back to my room! Where else would I go," I called back.

"Then why are you in workout clothes," Paige replied back.

"I'm meeting TJ at the gym later," I said going up the stairs.

End of POV


You sat in your room on your phone looking at social media and texting a few friends. Looking at the time it read, 11:00 a.m., I guess I can go ahead and leave? I could warm up before TJ gets there and think about what I want to learn or if he has it already planned out. You got off the bed and slipped on some kicks and headed out the door.

You walked down the street and caught a tram passing by, perfect timing. The tram took me downtown where the gym is and where most people are getting off as well. You looked at the time on your phone. 11:20 a.m.

Heading inside the gym, you saw different people working out like normal. No one was in the ring so it was a pretty good morning. You hopped in and started warming up and stretching before TJ arrives. Around 11:35 a.m., TJ arrived and set down his bag and taking off his hoodie.

"You're early," you said scaring TJ.

"Oh gosh, you scared me. How long have you been here," he asked.

"I've been here for about 15 or so minutes," you said still stretching.

TJ hopped in the ring and started stretching as well, you finished and sat down watching him warm up. You got bored while he kept stretching, so you stood up and walked behind him.

"What are you doing," TJ asked while he was sitting down stretching.

"I'm gonna help you stretch," you said pushing down on his back.

He chuckled, "Why?"

You smiled, "Because I'm bored and you're taking too long."

TJ finally finished stretching and you two began the training session. He was going to teach you moves, Spiderman catch, and the Knee Bar, two of his moves. He showed you both moves and taught them to you slowly so you could understand clearly.

"There you go! That move can help you in a lot of different situations," TJ said after showing you his Spiderman catch.

"I can see that. Not only is it like a taunt, but it can help in battle royals," you said after he showed it.

"Totally. I use it just for mocking purposes," he said smiling and laughing.

He made you try the Spiderman catch in different parts. First, he had to position your body on the ropes like you had done it in real life. Both of you were making sure your arms and legs were hooked on correctly before going any further. Second, he had you do a running start so you could time the jump and turn to hook onto the ropes. Finally, he had you run through the whole move.

"You're a natural! It took me about a week to get it down, but you got it down in like five minutes," TJ said giving you a high five.

"You can learn anything pretty fast when you have the best teacher in the world," you said smiling, as TJ blushed at the compliment.

"Okay, let's take a break then I'll teach you my submission," TJ said.

You nodded, "Alright!"

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