Chapter 19

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You tried on your mom's outfit choice, why did she go with a dress? You walked out of the dressing room wearing the dress your mom picked out. The group of women looked at you and smiled.

"Oh my- you look beautiful," your mom said in awe.

"Mom, I said no dresses," you said in a whining voice.

"Okay, I just wanted to see you in a dress Y/N," she said in defeat.

You went back to the dressing room and stipped yourself of the dress, I will only wear a dress for weddings, special events that require a dress, or when I want to feel pretty. You put of Paige's outfit and you must say, she knows you better than anyone in the fashion department.

"Okay, here's Paige's choice," you say stepping out from the curtain.

"Now that says 'Y/N'," Paige says doing jazz hands.

You laughed, "You do know my fashion pretty well."

Your mom looked at the outfit, "You do look pretty."

You smiled and turned back to the dressing room, the last outfit is Kate's. Her choice wasn't bad, but I can probably mix and match her's and Paige's outfits? I changed into Kate's choice and it's not actually bad, but the shoes are uncomfortable.

"Last but not least, Kate's choice," you say stepping out again.

Paige scans over your outfit, "She did pretty well."

Kate came back from helping someone else and admired her work, "You look absolutely stunning."

You smiled while looking in the mirror, "Thanks!"

Your mom looked at you, "So Y/N, which outfit are you going to choose or did these not excite you?"

You tilted your head to the side, "I actually like both Paige's and Kate's choices. Let me try one more thing before I decide."

You slipped back into the dressing room and took off some clothes and put on another. You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before stepping out and revealing your creation.

"Now, here's my choice," you say sticking your arms out.

"That's good," Paige said clapping her hands together.

"What did you change," Kate asked.

"I took your top and necklace, Kate, and paired it with the shoes that Paige chose and I'm wearing my ripped jeans," you said explaining the outfit.

"I looks like you, Y/N. I can see you dressing in this outfit going anywhere in town," your mom said.

"Thanks, mom. I love this outfit so much actually," you said looking into the full standing mirror.


After your big shopping trip with your mom and Paige, all three of you head home. On the ride home, you play different scenarios in your head. He can end up kissing me and we would be a couple, or nothing happens at all. But do I really want to be in a relationship right now? I'm about to be in WWE with Paige, and I really want to focus on that. But I also need a social life, UGH, I don't know anymore.

The car pulled up to the driveway, you hop out first and head inside straight to your room. You laid on your bed and thought different scenarios than the ones you thought about in the car. The pressure of the date is getting to your head and it's starting to freak you out on the inside. I don't think I can do this. I need to distract myself, I need to text someone.







What's going on?


Nothing much just left the gym.

What's going on with you?


Not much. Paige and I are in LA

visiting my parents.


Nice! I'm in Davenport visiting my family.


Nice! But I need your advice on

something important...


What's wrong?


I have a date this Friday, and

I'm freaking myself out. Help me!


What? You have a date? Since when did

you get a boyfriend?


Not helping! And I don't have

a boyfriend!


Okay, okay. Calm down!

Just be yourself. If he doesn't like

what he sees, then oh well.


Haha, thanks, Seth.

You're a good friend.


No problem Y/N.

If this guy hurts you in any way, call me.

I'll curb stomp his ass!


I think Paige called dibs?


Damn it!


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