Chapter 68

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While the CruiserWeight Classics were still going, it was time for a WWE pay-per-view... Summerslam. This show is the second biggest pay-per-view in WWE, with the first one being Wrestlemania.

It was the night of Summerslam, and everyone was fired up and nervous. You've held the title for about 4 months and you still wanna hold onto it. Plus, this is your first ever major title defense on a pay-per-view. Paige and TJ were backstage with you keeping you calm and focused on tonight's match.


Summerslam was a hit as the show held new and unexpected things for the WWE Universe. However, your title defense against AJ Lee was up next. You stood backstage with Paige and TJ talking about the match and how good you're gonna do.

The match was five minutes out and the butterflies in your stomach started fluttering. You stood near the backstage steps and started warming up. AJ popped up out of nowhere and smiled.

"Hey Y/N," AJ said.

"Hey AJ," you replied.

"Good luck out there," she said with a sincere smile.

"You too," you said with a smile back.

Now, it was show time. AJ's entrance music blared in the arena as the WWE Universe started half cheering and half booing since AJ was the heel in this storyline. You took one last deep breath before your music blared and the crowd started cheering. You walked down the ramp smiling and high-fiving the kids in the front row before hopping into the ring. AJ was burning your soul with a serious stare that could kill someone who messed with her, and you were that victim.


The bell sounded and AJ jumped onto you knocking you on the ground taking control. She practically held your title in her hands, and you couldn't let that happen. AJ whipped you into the corner and took the time to gloat, but little did she know, you were ready to take this match back. AJ ran towards you, but you were able to counter. You jumped up and twisted your body above AJ's, then finished it with a neck breaker. This was another move you "stole" from TJ. From there on, you took control and the crowd was loving the efforts you two were putting into the match.

During the match, AJ reversed your momentum and threw up into the rope, but you caught yourself easily. AJ ran to you but failed as you fell onto the canvas. You stepped through the ropes to the apron but little did you know, AJ was ready for you. She sideswiped your legs making you fall hard on your back on the metal frame of the ring. You rolled off the apron in pain and landed on the hard flooring with AJ, however; your left ankle was in excruciating pain. Please don't tell me I just twisted my ankle, this can't happen, not right now.

AJ make it back into the ring while you stayed on the outside holding your ankle, but you had to suck it up and keep going. The ref was at a six-count, but you were able to beat it before he reached ten. AJ went for the cover, but you kicked out at two. The pain in your ankle was too much for you, so much that you couldn't even put pressure on your ankle. Even though your ankle was screaming, you still fight in you and backing down was not an option.

AJ had more control in the match then you did, because of your injury. You tried to get the upper hand, but AJ wasn't letting you. The match was nearing the end, both AJ and you knew it, but AJ wanted to toy with you even more. She had enough of playing with you, so she wanted to humiliate you even more. AJ put you in her submission hold, the Black Widow, and within a minute... you tapped out. The bell rung and AJ released you from the hold. She jumped up and down holding what used to be your title, but now it was AJ's.

You rolled out of the ring with tears streaming down your cheeks. The ref helped you walk to the back where one of the medical staff was waiting. You reached the back where a medical staff member was waiting to take you to the trainer's room.

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