Chapter 13

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Your POV:

TJ's training session ended after twenty minutes! He said ten minutes tops, I'm so gonna kick his ass when he gets out of the ring. TJ goes over to his backpack and grabs his towel, I get up from the bench and stroll over to him. I'm so gonna kick your ass for making me wait ten more minutes.

He wipes his sweat off as I kick him in the ass hard, he jolted up and looked at me.

"Woah! What was that for," he asked confused.

I punched him in the arm softly, "For making me wait twenty minutes."

"I said twenty minutes," he said holding his sweaty towel.

"No! You said 'ten minutes tops.'" I told him flicking his head.

He threw his sweaty, dirty towel on my head. I quickly snatched it off of me while he laughed. I threw his towel on the floor in anger and walked away.

"Woah, woah, woah! Where are you going," he asked stopping me from leaving the gym.

"I'm leaving. You made me wait too long," I said in a sassy voice.

TJ smirked, "Cute and sassy? I like it."

I punched him again, but in the stomach, "Shut up before I take your ass down."

He laughed again and held the door open for me, at least he's a gentleman. Of course, I didn't take my parents car so guess who has to get a ride from TJ after lunch, ME!


TJ told me it was his "cheat day" so we drove to a pizzeria and ordered a pizza. We split the pizza in half instead of buying two whole pans that none of us would finish. His side was a Supreme and my half was Y/F/P. *Y/F/P is your favorite pizza*

We talked for a long time and we got to know each other a little better. He told me how he's been wrestling for practically his whole life and I told him that I've been wrestling for two and a half years. The afternoon was fun, I do have to admit that. I want to say he's flirting with me, but I don't know, maybe my minds playing a trick on me?

TJ and I left the pizzeria and walked outside on the back patio and soaked up the sun. The afternoon was perfect, the LA sun was shining, I have a new friend, and a new company to work for.

"So I have to ask, how did you and Paige become friends," he asked me.

I replied like it was a test question, "I met Paige in FCW. She was hired three weeks after me and at first, the company wanted to work her as a mysterious girl that everyone questioned. We had a storyline going then the company cut it short, then we talked for a while and became best friends. We basically do everything together, travel, eat, wrestle, and live together."

He nodded, "That's impressive. I wish I had someone like that."

You pouted, "You'll have someone at some point in time. Either a best friend or a lover."

His frown turned upside down, I do have to say his smile can kill someone. I noticed he kept swallowing like he was nervous to say something or do something. So like the detective I am, I asked him with concern.

"Are you okay," I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I wanna ask you something, but I feel like you might say no," he confessed.

"What is it," I asked.

He swallowed again, "Can I have your number? I feel like you're not gonna be in LA much longer so I wanna keep in touch."

I giggled, "Is that why you were so nervous? You could've just asked, it's not a problem."

I asked TJ for his phone and punched in my phone number for him. I handed it back to him and smiled. After a while, TJ and I left the pizzeria and he took me home.

His car rolled up in the driveway and placed it in park. We sat in the car for a few more minutes and had small talk. The atmosphere in the car was weird, I could tell in my mind that he wanted to say or do something but it looked like he was holding back for my sake.

I broke the silence, "Um... thanks for lunch and the ride."

He shyly smiled, "Yeah, no problem. I'll talk to you later?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

We both waved goodbye and I headed up to the front door. I stopped and turned around watching TJ pull away making sure he got out safely. He waved one more time and drove off, I waved back and sighed like he was leaving me forever.

End of POV

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