Chapter 71

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The next day was another Cruiserweight Classics night. TJ went to the Performance Center and you went with him for rehab since WWE suggested you start to increase your chances of making a comeback.

Walking up to the Performance Center, a wave of emotions hit you like a truck. You wanted to be in the ring training, but WWE won't let you. TJ let you crutch your way to the trainer's room while he met up with some of his buds from the Classics. You made it to the trainer's room and stood by the door waiting for the trainer.

"Oh, hey Y/N," the trainer said.

"Hey, Josh. I'm ready for rehab," you said with a smile on your face.

"Alright. Let's just ran through a quick check up so I know what we should target in rehab," Josh said.

"Sounds like a plan," you replied.

You sat on the patted table and let Josh examine your ankle before starting rehab. After a few minutes, Josh and you went to the weight room and started with simple exercises before moving on to more difficult ones.

Once the first set of rehab was over, Josh let you take a break before starting again. He left to go do some paperwork leaving you all alone to watch everyone train and fight each other in the ring. In one of the rings, you spotted TJ with Rich and Noam Dar talking, training, and laughing. It brought a smile to your face because he has friends, but it also saddens you since he can wrestle and you can't.

Josh came back from the trainer's room to restart everything you just did three more times. He knew how much you hated rehab and how much you wanted to be in the ring, but everyone gets knocked down sometimes, it's who we are.

Once your rehab was over, you make your way over to the ring where TJ and the boys were and sat down. They were too focused on each other to even notice you until Noam said something.

"There's the limper," Noam joked.

"Yeah, here I am. The hurt little dear," you said giving them a fake smile.

"Noam, don't make her feel bad. She's already hurt on the inside," Rich said defending you.

"Thank you Swannie," you sang.

"I'm not making fun of her, I'm just joking around," Noam countered back.

"Joking or not, it's not cool," TJ said.

"Whatever," Noam said blowing it off.

"I'll be done in about ten minutes, babe," TJ said.

You nodded and took out your phone out to make time go by fast. Your social media was filled with get well soon tweets and posts which brought a smile to your face. You decided to tweet and post a picture to thank the WWE Universe for the kind words.


@Y/T/N: I've seen all of your "Get well soon" posts and it brings a smile to my face. I love all of you and please don't forget me. Why? Because I'm gonna come back swinging to take MY Divas Championship back!

Ten minutes went by and TJ kept his promise, he was finally done. He rolled out of the ring and cleaned up before returning to you.

"Ready to go," he asked.

"I've been ready for ten minutes," you said.

"You hungry," he questioned.

"Very much," you replied.

TJ opened the car door for you, like a gentleman, and drove to a small local restaurant. He parked the car and got out first to reopen the car door for you. You thanked him and hopped to the door.

Entering the small restaurant, you felt nervous because this is your first time being out in the public's eye since your injury. You looked around giving settle glances to your surrounds making sure no fans were around. It's not that you don't want to see your fans, but you don't want them to see you in this state. TJ extended his hand out and rested it on top of yours.

"I know you don't wanna be out in public since your injury, but you need Vitamin D," TJ said.

You sarcastically laughed, "If I need Vitamin D, I just go buy some at a drugstore."

He laughed, "I know that silly, but still. Even your fans need to see you outside being happy and healthy."

You weakly smiled, "Fine. I'll do it for my fans."

He smiled, "That's the spirit! Now, let's order some food."

A waiter came to our table to take our orders before walking off to punch them in the computer. TJ and you talked for some time when a young girl and her mother arrived at the table.

"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting but this is my daughter Kylie and she's a huge fan of yours," the mother said.

You smiled when you saw little Kylie, "Hello Kylie. So you're a fan of mine? That's awesome."

She smiled widely, "You're awesome Y/R/N! I wish you were still Divas Champion."

You pouted with Kylie, "I know. I wish I was champion still, but even the best need to let others shine."

She nodded, "Can I get a picture with you?"

You nodded happily, "Of course we can!"

The mother took out her camera and had Kylie sit in front of me in an extra chair at the table. The mother counted to three and snapped the picture. Kylie was smiling like crazy when her mother showed you the picture.

"Thank you Y/R/N," Kylie said as she gave you a warm hug.

You hugged back, "It was my pleasure."

The mother thanked you for making Kylie's day and they went on about their day. You couldn't stop smiling at what just happened.

The food arrived shortly after and it smelled like heaven on earth. Both TJ and you started eating and talking about the CWC tonight. Once the lunch date was over, TJ helped you get in the car and drove back to the house.

Pulling up to the house, Paige was in her room watching Netflix. You crutched your way into her room to tell her all about Kylie and how rehab went at the Performance Center.

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