Chapter 74

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This week was very important to TJ, and he's right. This is the last Cruiserweight Classics match, this match is going to determine who is going to win the tournament and who was gonna walk into Monday Night Raw as the inarguable Cruiserweight Champion.

At the arena, the atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife. Paige stayed home because she, unfortunately, got sick, poor girl. TJ was backstage getting ready and warming up while you sat with the WWE Universe getting excited for the historic night.

The night started off with Triple H and NXT manager William Regal in the ring with the CWC trophy and the new Cruiserweight title. Triple H talked about how proud he is of the Cruiserweights and the WWE Universe for supporting the new talent.

Once Hunter and Regal removed the title and the trophy out of the ring, it was time for the finals of the CWC. Your palms were sweating like crazy and the anxiousness was eating you up inside. You wanted TJ to win so badly, but you can't jinx him or he could lose.

TJ and Gran Metalik were in the ring ready to fight, and the entire audience fell silent. The bell sounded and it was an explosion after that. There were countless times when Gran Metalik would pin TJ, and it drove you crazy.

Metalik threw TJ towards the rope, but TJ caught himself making it look easy. Metalik charged at him, but TJ dropped down and caused Metalik to throw himself out of the ring. TJ went for the Wrecking Ball dropkick but missed. Metalik swept TJ's feet to the side causing him to fall and land on the floor. Metalik jumped onto the ring apron and moonsaulted into TJ and made direct contact with him.

The match was very heated and the entire WWE Universe were on their feet cheering and screaming at the two sole survivors of the tournament. Gran Metalik was on the top rope to do some crazy move but missed at TJ moved towards the turnbuckles. TJ caught Metalik's leg and swiftly locked in the kneebar. The entire Universe could see the desire that TJ had to make Gran Metalik tap out and to seal his fate of being the inarguable Cruiserweight Champion. TJ tightened the lock even more, and the sweet sound that everyone loves to hear sounded... tap, tap, tap.

The bell rang and the WWE Universe went crazy. TJ untied his legs and fell to his knees crying tears of joy. You jumped up and down at the sight and outcome you just witnessed. The ring announcer announced that the winner of the CWC was no other than TJ Perkins. Hunter and Regal entered the ring with the title, trophy, and a medal to seal his victory. Once the title was around TJ's waist you started to shed some tears of joy as well.

TJ said a few words about how far he's come to get here and how the trophy represents 32 superstars and not just one. Streamers and confetti came fluttering down from the sky and TJ took in the moment. TJ jumped up to the second turnbuckle and raised his arms in the air to show that he did it with his hard work and determination.

 TJ jumped up to the second turnbuckle and raised his arms in the air to show that he did it with his hard work and determination

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You couldn't stop jumping and crying at TJ's milestone he just created. He looked down at you and jumped over the top rope to the apron then jumped down to you. You couldn't stop smiling and crying when TJ smiled. He hopped over the barricade and hugged you tightly. Yes, he was drenched in sweat but honestly, you didn't care at all. His hold was so tight, your feet were off the ground. Once your feet touched the ground again, he placed his lips on yours in a loving way. This kiss was TJ's way of saying "thank you for supporting me."

When TJ broke the kiss he smiled again at you, "Thank you for always being there for me and for supporting me."

You couldn't stop smiling, "I'll always support you no matter what happens."

He couldn't stop smiling either, "And that's why I love you."

You pecked TJ's lips, "And I love you too."


Back at the house, Paige watched the CWC finals at the house and had made some cupcakes for the victory. TJ's car pulled up to the house and both you and TJ entered the house. Paige turned the lights off to make the surprise better... somewhat better. As the lights kicked on, Paige jumped out from behind her bedroom door.

"Surprise! Congratulations," Paige said.

TJ smiled, "Hey! Thank you, I couldn't have done it without the support of my two best friends."

You smiled, "We did support you, but that whole tournament was all you."

He laughed, "Okay, I'll take that."

Paige laughed, "Alright, before you two get into 'it was all you' type of deal. I was too lazy to get a celebratory cake, so instead, I made celebratory cupcakes."

You chuckled, "Wow Paige, you really went all out on three cupcakes."

Paige pointed to you with a serious look, "Hey! It's the thought that counts."

TJ took a cupcake and held it up in the air, "And that it is. Cheers?"

Paige and you took a cupcake and raised it in the air, "Cheers!"

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