Chapter 64

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Later in the evening, you were in your hotel room alone since TJ already left for his match. Sasha, Bayley, and you were going to the event in an hour, so being lazy until then was going to be a challenge.

Laying in bed, you rolled through your social media for anything new and nothing really caught your attention. When social media can't entertain someone, we turn to YouTube for entertainment. After watching endless amounts of videos, it was getting close to your departure time. I better get dressed. Peeling yourself off the bed, you walk over to the closet and pick a new outfit. I went with a simple outfit: white tank top, jeans, sneakers, and "your" jacket.

Once you finished getting ready a knock was heard on the hotel door. You opened the door to find Sasha and Bayley standing there already ready to go.

"You ready yet," Sasha asked.

"Yeah, just finished," you replied.

"Let's go watch some wrestling," Bayley said with excitement.

All three girls left the hotel and caught a taxi that was nearby. You told the taxi driver the address of the venue and drove off.


The taxi driver dropped us off at the venue for tonight, each girl paid a third of the total price and thanked the driver. Walking into the building, the girls and you had to pay to get in... something TJ didn't mention... and found seats in the front row. Some fans approached us and asked for pictures and autographs, which all three girls didn't mind, it's a part of the WWE job.

The show started shortly after the mini meet and greet, and the fun was beginning. The girls and you were having fun, some matches were really good and some matches needed work... like a lot of work. The last match of the night was about to begin, and you were ready along with Sasha and Bayley.

The main event was a tag team match, The Young Bucks verse TJ and Zokre. Of course, you didn't know who the others were since you don't really watch locals, because they borderline on either being really good or really bad. The Young Bucks were the first ones out for the match, and by looking at them... they look like they don't take matches seriously. The next guy to come out was TJ, and he was rockin' it. He spotted Sasha, Bayley, and you in the front row, he smiled at us before getting in the ring. Lastly, Zokre came out and the crowd really loved him, plus he was TJ's tag partner so it's a two-for-one deal.

Your POV:

The match has begun with one of the Bucks starting off against TJ. Buck was clearly unfocused because he cared more about the fans than the match. He and TJ played around for a bit, one-upping each other and it was really boring for us girls.

"I bet you five dollars, Y/N, that you won't yell 'Start fighting already'," Bayley said.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Oh really? Bet!"

Sasha's jaw dropped when she heard me say that, "You're not gonna do that."

I laughed before getting my mindset.

The boys kept playing around which was starting to bore the crowd but have no fear I will make them appear in a fight.

I counted to three to show the girls that I was going to do it, "1... 2... 3... START FIGHTING ALREADY!"

The Buck that was messing around whipped his body around to the sound of my voice, "Who said that?"

I gladly raised my hand letting him know that it was me. He slid out of the ring and walked over to me, and since there's no barricade it just makes it better.

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