Chapter 107

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Your few days off came to a close as you packed your suitcase full of clothes and a backpack filled with your gear. You were excited to fly to Canada for RAW this week. You went over your checklist once again making sure you didn't forget anything, and you didn't.

You waited for TJ's mom to pick you up and take you to the airport, mostly because she takes care of Cupcake and Pugsley when you two are away. A car horn honked outside the house, you looked out the window and saw the car outside waiting for its passenger.

You hugged the two little monsters before heading out. You locked the front door and made your way to the car. Once you set your bags in the backseat, you climbed in and greeted his mom. (I don't know his mom's name, oh well.)

The car was filled with conversations and low music playing. You and his mom talked about the wedding and other normal stuff, no wrestling talk.


You found a spot near your flight gate so it wasn't a hard time getting there from a mile or so away. The airport was filled with voices, laughter, and people. You looked out the window of LAX and admired the town that you love so much.

While you waited for your flight to board, some fans of WWE spotted you and asked for autographs and signatures, nothing new practically. The conversation you had with some fans made time speed up a little bit, but it still felt like forever.

A couple of hours flew by, and it was time to board your flight to Canada. You were more than happy to board and it kind of showed.

You found your seat on the left side next to a window, score. Bodies piled in one by one until every seat was filled. The flight attendant did her routine speech, and the plane took off towards the sky.


After a five hour flight to Montreal, the plane met the runway. Once the doors opened, everyone stood up to get their carry-ons from the overhead carrier. You stayed seated for a few minutes so it wasn't too crowded once you made it to the aisle.

Entering the airport, you headed towards the baggage claim and waited patiently for your luggage. As the conveyor belt rotated continuously, you finally spotted your luggage. Once your luggage was in your possession, it was time to head to the hotel. You haven't told TJ that you landed yet because you wanted to surprise him, however, Paige was the only one who knew you were coming. Paige had taken care of everything at the hotel, so you won't get questioned at the front desk when you ask what room TJ's in. You walked outside and took in the fresh Montreal air before you flagged down a taxi. (You can choose either a taxi or an Uber, what works for you.)

The taxi cab pulls up to the front doors of the hotel and waves you off. You thanked him and paid the fee before grabbing your bags. Stepping foot into the hotel felt like heaven to you, you not only get to sleep in a comfy bed for a few hours, but you finally get to see TJ again. (I know I make you seem clingy to TJ, but we've all been there before. Don't lie!)

The elevator doors pull apart once you reached the correct floor. You walked down the hallway looking for the correct room number, and you spotted it a few doors away. You quietly dragged your luggage bag behind you as you stood in front of the door. You knocked on the door twice and waited for a response.

"Who is it," you heard him say.

"Pizza delivery," you said in a low "manly" voice.

You moved off towards the side trying to hide before he opened the door. As the lock clicked you knew it was time to surprise him.

"I didn't-" he said before you cut him off.

"SURPRISE," you said.

TJ's face lit up as he laid his eyes on you. He smiled widely and picked you up and spun you around a couple of times.

"Can I set my stuff inside before you continue," you laughed.

"Sure," he said.

He set you down and grabbed your luggage bag for you. He allowed you in first, followed by him and your bag. He wheeled the bag towards the small bench and placed it, you took off your backpack and turned back to him. TJ took it as his signal to finish his excitement, and he did. He picked you up again, like you weighed nothing, as spun you around again. You giggled here and there as he continued to spin you around.

As the small spins continued, his knees hit the side of the bed since he couldn't stay still. He laid you down on the bed and hovered over you leaving a rain of kisses all over your face. You giggled again after every kiss, he's never showed this much affection for you since you two started dating.

"You really missed me, didn't you," you asked.

"You have no idea," he said.

"It was only a couple of days. We've dealt with worse," you said.

"I know, living in two different states sucked like hell," he said as he continued to leave kisses everywhere on your face.

You laughed at him and tapped his chest, "Save all the affection for later."

He stopped his attacks and pouted, "How long do I have to wait?"

You chuckled, "Save it for the honeymoon."

He smirked, "That, I shall do."

You rolled your eyes, "Oh gosh. What did I do?"

He chuckled, "You sealed my fate."

You sat up as he moved back and rubbed one of your eyes, "I'm tired."

"I would've guessed. Well, you have an hour before we head out, so you can sleep until then," he said.

You nodded and pushed back the covers, "I will abuse that hour. Goodnight!"

He chuckled, "You are something else."

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