Chapter 32

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Thursday morning has dawned, the house was filled with sadness and excitement as Paige and you started packing up. Both of you had a suitcase and a backpack so it wasn't anything crazy. After packing, Paige and you brought your luggage downstairs and set them in the living room.

Your mom was in the kitchen making you and Paige breakfast before the big send-off back to Florida. Paige took a seat in the kitchen with you in tow.

"Morning girls," your mom said.

"Morning," both of you said in unison.

"Are you ready for today," your dad said entering the kitchen.

"No," you said pouting.

Paige rubbed your back to comfort you, "I know you don't wanna leave, but TJ said he'll do long distance. On the bright side, if he has time off from wrestling then he can fly to us and spend time with you."

You nodded, "Yeah. Plus, we'll text, call, and facetime when we have a chance."

Your mom finished making breakfast and set out four plates. Paige and you talked about WWE with your parents and what's to come. The clock read 11 am, I think it time to go. Everyone saw the time and finished eating. You and your dad took the bags to the car and headed for the airport.


At the airport, everyone was sitting around waiting for the flight to be called for boarding. You paced back and forth biting your nails, TJ said he was gonna be here to wave me goodbye, and he isn't here. Paige watched you pace around and found it quite amusing.

"He'll be here, don't worry," Paige said.

"I know that and I even told him when our flight is," you said still pacing around.

"Okay. Now can you stop pacing around it's giving me a headache," Paige said holding her head.

You stopped pacing around and sat down instead, now playing with your hands. Your mom was talking to you about the future of WWE and how proud she is of your accomplishment. Waiting endlessly at the airport, you hear someone talk to you.

"I'm not late am I," the person said.

You looked up, "TJ! You finally showed up."

He laughed, "Sorry. I almost forgot what time you said."

You laughed, "It's okay. You're here and that's all I care about."

He pulled a box out of his jacket and held it out, "I got this for you."

You took the box from his hand, "What? You didn't have too." You opened the box and saw the gift inside. "TJ, you got me a necklace?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I got it about a week ago and I wanted to give you it when you were supposed to leave, but I think today seems fitting."

You hugged him, "Thank you. I love it."


Sitting at the airport, everyone was restless and tired. Finally, the airport intercom sounds and announced that Paige and your's flight was boarding. You fell back in your chair not wanting to get up and leave. TJ stood up and grabbed your hands pulling you up.

He took your hands and placed them around his neck for a hug, "Looks like it's time to go."

You pouted, "I don't wanna go."

He chuckled, "But you have to. I'll miss you."

You hugged him, "I'll miss you too.

He kissed you one last time and took your bag in his hand. You and Paige walked arm in arm to the gate and sighed.

"Looks like this is goodbye," you said looking down.

"But it's not goodbye forever," you mom said hugging you.

Everyone hugged you and Paige before heading down the hall towards the plane. You and TJ hugged one more time before take off, I don't wanna go but I have too. Paige and you waved at them one last time and boarded the flight.

You found your seat next to Paige, at least I still have you. Looking out the window with Paige you saw your parents and TJ standing in the window looking at the plane.

"Goodbye LA and hello Florida, again," you said letting out a sigh.

Paige hugged you, "Don't worry, we'll see them again soon."

The flight attendants made their ways around the isles making sure everyone was buckled and pieces of luggage were secured up above. The plane was slowing moving and made its way to the runway. It was picking up speed and hovering above the ground. Bye TJ, I love you. 

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