Chapter 17

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The beautiful Los Angeles sun shined brighter than a diamond. You rolled over to your phone and saw the time, it's 12 in the afternoon? You got up from your bed and changed into comfy clothes for a lazy day.

Downstairs, your mom was making pancakes for everyone in the house. She saw you enter the kitchen and greeted you, and so did Paige.

"Did you go workout," you asked rubbing your right eye.

"Yeah. I was letting you sleep in since you let me sleep in," Paige said.

You hugged her, "Thank you, Vampire."

Your mom finished making the last batch of pancakes and set them out in front of you and Paige. Both of you split the pancakes down the middle, three for you and three for Paige. Your mom also slid over two plates with bacon and sausage patties.

You finished your plate first then Paige a few seconds after you. You finished your drink and cleared your throat.

"I have to tell both of you something that happened late last night," you said nervously.

"What is it sweetie," your mom asked.

"Okay. First, don't freak out, save it for the end," you said pointing at Paige.

"Save the freak out at the end, got it," Paige said making the mental note.

Your POV:

I cleared my throat and thought about how I was going to approach this. Here goes nothing.

I started with the basic building blocks, "So late last night/early this morning... TJ and I were texting."

"Really? You and TJ were texting," Paige said shocked.

"Hush! Let me tell my story," I said holding my finger up to her mouth. She nodded and stayed silent.

I continued, "At first it was a normal conversation, until 12:30 a.m. He told me about this place downtown that has live music, so he invited me to go." Both mom and Paige were starting to get happy. "I saw where he was going with the conversation so I just waited. But, I called him out on asking me on a date and turns out he was. Now, with that being said... what do I do or wear?"

Mom and Paige flipped out like I predicted, what did I do? I should've just kept this to myself and now look what's happening.

"Y/N, that's amazing," mom said.

Paige was clapping her hands like a seal, "OMG! He did not!"

I just shyly laughed, "What do I do and what do I wear?"

Paige composed herself, "What day did he say?"

"This Friday night," I replied.

Mom let out a big breath, "Today's Wednesday so we have time to plan and prepare. Now, did he say where?"

I shook my head, "No."

Paige took my phone in her hand, "You need to text him and ask him where the place is. It has to be a restaurant, that's where live music is always held."

Mom was starting to plan the night with Paige, and I was sitting right there. "According to the weather forecast, it's supposed to be a little warm Friday night. Now, if this place is a local place, then we don't need a dress. If the place is fancy, then we need a dress," she said laying out my whole Friday night.

I took my phone back from Paige, "I'm pretty sure if it's live music, it's a casual place. I don't need to be all glammed up like some sort of Princess. I can put together a nice outfit, I don't need to go overboard with anything." I stood up from my chair and left the kitchen.

End of POV

Paige's POV:

I watched Y/N leave the kitchen, and I could tell she was lowkey frustrated. Maybe her mom and I need to lay off and let her do this on her own, she is 21-years-old.

"I think we should let her do this on her own," I said looking at the kitchen entrance.

"Maybe you're right. She's only had one boyfriend, and that was back in high school," her mom said.

I turned back around in my chair, "What? She's had a boyfriend before?"

Her mom looked at me confused, "She never told you?" I shook my head 'no', "It was a one-sided relationship. She loved him and at first, he did too, but after a while, he started to get distant with her, turns out he cheated on her. Before Sophomore year ended, he broke up with her because of it."

My jaw dropped, "She's never told me this. She has to be scared about going out with another guy?"

Her mom nodded in agreement, "After that day, she's never spoken to a guy and had trust issues with any of her guy friends."

All the pieces her mom was giving me was fitting perfectly together. Maybe her mom and I need to help guide her a little bit before we let her go.

"What if we took her out shopping? You know, let her pick out an outfit and we pick out an outfit for her," I suggested.

Her mom smiled, "We could try."


I reached Y/N's room and knocked on the door. I heard her call for me to come in and I entered shutting the door behind me. She was laying on her bed with her phone on her stomach.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking at her, "Hey, your mom was telling me about a past relationship you had in high school."

She scoffed, "That was a mistake."

I rubbed her lower leg in a sweet manner, "I know deep down inside you're probably freaking out about going out with another guy, but I can tell that TJ is going to treat you like you are the last girl on this Earth." She giggled. "Your mom and I had an idea. What if we took you out shopping and all three of us pick out an outfit. You try on all three and if you don't like one of them, then it's okay."

She sat up, "Seriously? My mom and you are gonna take me out shopping?"

I nodded, "Yes we are. Now, get dressed in something that doesn't say 'homeless woman'."

She laughed as I left her room. Yes! This is going to be the best night of her entire life.

End of POV

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