Chapter 85

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Three days later:

Sunday rolled around and it was time for Clash of Champions. TJ had a Cruiserweight title match against Brian Kendrick, and you had no match whatsoever. Ever since you came back from injury, you weren't granted the rematch for the Divas title that you were promised. You were pissed that WWE didn't keep its promise, but you can't complain. You're now playing the waiting game.


At the PPV:

Backstage at Clash of Champions, TJ went on to the locker room to get ready and you went to the Women's locker room to hang out with the girls.

You walked into the locker room and greeted the girls in the room. The girls greeted you back and gave you hugs before getting into some girl talk. All the girls talked for a couple of hours about backstage drama, personal things, and our love life. (Such girly conversations right?)

Most of the girls left the locker room, including you, and walked around backstage. Carrano found you wondering backstage and wanted to talk to you.

"Y/N," he said.

You stopped dead in your tracks, "Hey Mark, how are you?"

He nodded, "I'm good. Listen, I need to talk to you about what happened on Raw."

You took a few steps back, "Uh oh. What about Raw?"

He motioned for you to follow, "Come on, let's go talk somewhere private."

You nodded and followed beside Carrano to a more quiet area. He pulled out two chairs for each person to sit. You sat down slowly because you never know what's gonna come out of his mouth.

Your POV:

I hesitated to sit down because I don't know what Carrano's gonna say. He looked at me with a concerning look, that's when I knew he was gonna talk about the incident with Kendrick.

"I just wanted to know how you're doing after what happened on Raw," he said.

I took a deep breath, "I'm better. I don't know why I froze, TJ said it was an involuntary response."

Carrano nodded, "That could've been the case, but from the viewer's standpoint, it was great. It gave more depth to the storyline with TJ and Brian, it triggered something for TJ to go out there and protect you."

I nodded, "That's true, but I don't think TJ's attack to Brian was scripted, that was TJ's true aggression."

Carrano scrunched his eyebrows together, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, before TJ was here in WWE, he was working independent shows. I would go to his matches before I got to the main roster to support him, you know? The only downfall was that I was an easy nerve to hit for TJ if his opponent would come anywhere near me, scripted or not," I explained.

"Ah, that makes better sense. See, now that you told me that, I now have a better understanding of how protective TJ is over you. We could use that to further the storyline, or just for the WWE Universe to understand TJ better than they do now," Carrano said.

"I guess that's a good thing," I questioned.

Carrano chuckled, "It's fine, that was just the marketing me who was thinking that. Anyways, I also wanted to tell you that Brian and you will have a backstage confrontation before the match."

I nodded, "Okay, what's it about."

"The main thing is Brian just telling you that he's gonna beat TJ and win the title. He might touch on the incident on Raw, but don't worry," he said.

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