Chapter 31

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Paige and you made the way to the car and sat on the hood talking. You felt the weight of the world on your shoulders because you're gonna have to tell TJ that you and Paige are leaving tomorrow morning.

"I don't know if I can tell him. He just got a victory and I don't want that happiness to be taken away," you said with your head in hand.

Paige rubbed your arm, "I know it's gonna be hard to tell him, but it's better if he knows now rather than later."

You shook your head, "You're right, I need to tell him."

Paige and you left the car and walked to the back of the warehouse where all the talents' cars were. Paige and you waited for TJ to show up, and so far he hasn't come out yet. About ten minutes later, TJ walks out with his bag in hand and spots you two sitting on the concrete.

"You two are always waiting for me," TJ said setting down his bag.

You nervously laughed, "Yeah, we're always waiting for you."

He looked at your confused, "What's with the nervous laugh?"

Paige stood up, "I'm gonna be in the car. Congrats again TJ."

He thanked Paige and looked back at you. "What was the nervous laugh for," he asked.

You looked away and thought about your words, "Um... I don't know how to say this?"

TJ looked at you with sad eyes, "Is it something I did?"

You waved it off, "No! Oh gosh, no. You didn't do anything, it's just... uh... Paige and I got a call from WWE earlier this week, and-"

TJ cut you off, "Seriously, they called you? What did they say?"

You took a deep breath, "They want Paige and me to come to NXT tomorrow at 5 pm. So... we have to leave early in the morning."

TJ dropped his shoulders and looked away, "Are you kidding me? You said you had a month off before going back, and they're taking you a week early? Why didn't you tell me earlier Y/N?"

You started tearing up a bit, "I wanted to, but I didn't want that to distract you from your match. I'm sorry, I can't control WWE. Please don't hate me."

He pulled you into a hug, "I don't hate you and I know your heart was in the right place."

Your words were muffled by his shirt, but they were still audible. "Thank you for understanding. I'll miss you when I leave."

He tightened the hug, "I'll miss you too, but I'll be at the airport to wave you goodbye."

You nodded and pulled out of the hug. TJ gazed into your E/C eyes and kissed you, gosh his kisses make me melt every time. You two said your goodbyes and good nights and went separate ways.


You got back into the car and looked at Paige. You took a few deep breaths before telling Paige the whole conversation.

"So he understands," Paige asked.

You nodded, "He understands completely and is willing to do long distance."

She smiled, "That's good. If he wasn't cool with it then I would've put him in the PTO."

You laughed and started the car. Pulling out of the parking lot you thought about tomorrow and what your world has come to.

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