Chapter 11

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The main event match ended, with TJ being the winner. When the bell rang and the ref raised TJ's hand, all the girls went crazy like it was a One Direction concert. (Back when 1D was famous, lol) Paige and you waited for the whole sea of people to leave, we can't lose each other.

Finally, we make it outside and the cold wind hits my bare face. We both grabbed our jackets like it was last thing on this earth. Jacket? Oh shoot, I need to give TJ his jacket back. You look around to where a crowd of girls were screaming and chanting as all the men left from the back on the gym to their cars. I guess that's where TJ said to meet him?

"Hey Paige, do you want to be fangirls and go scream their names," you questioned.

She laughed, "Hell yeah!"

We made it over to the crowd and got stuck behind all the girls, great. After twenty or so minutes, the girls all die down and leave the school. Finally, but I didn't see TJ? Did he leave and I didn't see him?

You very getting tired and restless waiting for that playboy, so you turned on your heels and grabbed Paige's arm.

"Y/N! Paige! Hold up," a male voice called.

Both of you stop and turn back around. Paige waved, "Hey TJ! That was a great match."

He smiled, "Thanks! It helps when you have a good luck charm close to you." He looked at you and winked.

You scoffed at him, "And who are you talking about exactly, Playboy?"

He put his hands over his heart, "Ouch! Savage much?"

You giggled, "Only when I see a playboy, then I become savage."

All three of you talked for many a while until you shivered from the coldness.

"You cold," TJ asked.

You looked down at the concrete ground, "Kind of? Not really?"

He laughed, "Sure. You're shivering like a Chihuahua. Do you need extra warmth?"

You gave him a sarcastic expression, "Like I need extra warmth. Actually, I feel warm already. Here's your jacket back, by the way." You took the jacket off and handed it back to him.

He pushed your hand away, "Keep it. I needed to get rid of that jacket anyways. Plus, you look cute in it."

You blushed and put the jacket back on. The group kept chatting in the freezing cold, but Paige somehow wasn't cold at all. During a conversation you and Paige were having, you felt a pair of arms grab around your waist. You looked back at the person in shock.

"You looked cold so I'm helping you warm up," TJ said smiling.

You relax after knowing it was him, "Oh. Okay?"

Paige took the opportunity to embarrass you even more, "Get a room you two."

Your eyes bug out of your head, "PAIGE! Shut up! I don't make fun of you."

She laughed, "I know that. I thought the moment was right to say that."

You grabbed TJ's hands and pulled them apart from your body. Quickly escaping, you stand by Paige's side locking on to her arm.

"It was great to see you again TJ, but Paige I need to head home," you said still holding on to Paige.

"I'm about to head home too if you girls want a ride back," TJ offered.

You waved your hand, "No, it's fine. We don't -"

Paige cut you off, "No! We actually would like a ride back home. If that's okay with you?"

TJ removed his keys from his back pocket and jingled them, "Let's go then."


TJ's car pulled up to the house and parked in the driveway. Paige got out first and pushed your door back to prevent you from getting out. (She's a good friends isn't she?) You huffed at Paige as she walked up to the front door and walked in. TJ just laughed and kept the car running to keep the car warm for you.

"It was great to see you again, Champ," TJ said.

You laughed, "Yeah it was, but I'm not the champ anymore."

He tilted his head to the side, "Why? You didn't lose the title."

You played with your hands to avoid eye contact, "FCW was sold to WWE. Paige and I, along with everyone else there, is gonna be a part of their developmental system called NXT."

TJ smiled, "WWE? That's awesome Y/N!" He leaned back further in his seat, "I wish I was in WWE, but I'm stuck here working the Indies hoping that one day a major company like WWE to notice me."

You laughed and recited a video you watched before, "Notice me Senpai, notice me."

TJ laughed at your words, "That was cute."

You blushed then snapped back into reality, "Um... I should go, it's getting late. Thanks for the ride and congrats on your win."

TJ smiled back at you, "Thanks, and no problem. See you later, then?"

You got out of the car and leaned your head in the car, "Yeah. See you later, Playboy."

He scoffed and you giggled before running into the house. As you opened the door you saw Paige and your mom scramble away from side entrance window like they saw nothing.

"Were you two spying on me," you questioned.

"What? Us? No... we were looking at the full moon," Paige said trying to cover up.

Your mom came closer to you and whispered, "Who was that sweetheart? Is that your secret boyfriend?"

Your face turned red, "MOM! He's not my boyfriend, he's a guy that Paige and I ran into back in Florida. She saw a flyer yesterday for a wrestling event in town and saw that he was on the flyer. We just went to watch the event and I wanted to see him wrestling because I hadn't before."

You mom laughed and walked away, "Okay... whatever you say."

You threw your head up and moaned in frustration. Paige laughed and walked upstairs with you in tow. Please just kill me now, you thought.

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