Chapter 87

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Later that night, it was time for the main event of Raw. This is the first time in WWE history for women to main event Raw, and it was yours and Charlotte's opportunity to make the most out of it.

(Skipping to the match)

Charlotte and you locked up before she held you in a headlock. She had a tight grip around your neck, but you weren't gonna let her beat you. You got the power to shove her off, she hit the ropes and came back your way. You dropped down on your stomach then jumped high in the air to miss her again.

In the middle of the match, you held Charlotte in an Octopus hold to let your mind think of a plan. While in thought, Charlotte managed to break the hold and throw you towards the ropes. You ran towards the rope and caught yourself like the Spiderman you were. Charlotte turned around a saw you chilling on the ropes, she looked towards the crowd confused before charging you. You dropped down letting Charlotte find her way out of the ring.

Near the ending of the match, Charlotte and you were both on the mat trying to recover. The ref started his count to ten, but Charlotte was able to break the count at seven. She grabbed you by the hair and slapped you across the face... that was a mistake. You turned back to Charlotte before giving her a hard forearm to the side of the face. You pounced on top of her and started punching her and rapid fire speed. All you wanted during this match was to beat Charlotte and beat AJ Lee for the Divas title. Charlotte was able to push you off of her before you kicked her square in the gut. She was slumped over in pain and you were smiling at the sight of her pain. You grabbed Charlotte's arm and did your finisher, she hit the mat and you went for the cover.

1... 2... 3... ding, ding, ding.

"The winner of this match, Y/R/N," the ring announcer said.

The WWE Universe started cheering as your music was playing. Charlotte rolled out of the ring and fell to the ground in pain. You hopped up on the middle turnbuckle and threw your arms out showing the WWE who you are and what you can do. You jumped off the turnbuckle and smiled evilly at Charlotte proving to her that you are far better than her.


Once you reached the backstage area, the Bella Twins and Paige congratulated you.

"Congrats girly," Nikki said.

"Yeah congrats, that was an awesome match," Brie said.

"Thanks. I'm really tired now," you said.

All the girls laughed. "I would imagine, going against Charlotte you better in far better shape than her," Nikki said.

"Either way, it was an awesome match and I'm proud of you," Paige said as she gave you a hug.

You hugged her back, "Thanks Glampire."

"We should go all go do something with the other girls this weekend in California since we'll be there in a few weeks for both shows," Nikki suggested.

"Sounds cool with me," you said.

"How about we all go to Napa Valley," Brie said.

"I'm down for that," Paige said.

"I'm up for it, but I'm not drinking any wine whatsoever," you sternly said.

"We know you won't. She's the responsible one for all of us," Paige said.

"It's time for Brie Mode to make a comeback," Brie said as she and Nikki walked off.


Paige and you were sitting backstage watching the rest of Raw on a monitor until the boss comes up from behind.

"Hello ladies," the boss says.

"Hey Carrano," Paige says.

You turned around and smiled at Carrano because you knew it wasn't good. "Hi Carrano," you shyly said.

"I guess you know why I'm here," he said.

You nodded your head, "I can guess. Well, I'm off to the principal's office."

You followed beside Carrano past all the superstars. Your co-workers watched as you and Carrano walked past them all, and they all knew something bad was going to happen.

You arrived at Carrano's office and stepped inside and took a seat. Carrano sat down across from you and set his hands and phone on the desk. He let out a deep breath before looking into your eyes.

"Can you guess why you're here Y/N," Carrano asked.

"Am I here for a pay raise," you said trying to lighten up the mood.

He shook his head, "You're funny, but that's not it. You're in here because of what you did out there." You looked down. "Y/N, you can't just go out there and cut a promo, if you ever want to do something like that again then you need to tell us and I'll run it up the flagpole. Earlier you told us that you wanted to talk about TJ's victory at Clash of Champions, but you go out there and talk about how we aren't giving you your rematch for the Divas Title."

"Because it's true," you quietly said.

"I know we aren't giving you what you asked for, but you just have to trust us and wait. One of the reasons why we aren't giving you much air time is because we want you to be stronger than ever. I know it's been a month or so since you returned from injury, but we want to work with the other women before we go back and push you and the other older talents," Carrano explain.

"And yet I went out there and beat Charlotte Flair. She's the number one contender for the Divas title, but I just beat her. I just showed her and the WWE Universe that the fight in me is stronger than being genetically superior," you said.

Carrano put his hand out to stop you from talking, "I see where you're coming from Y/N, but we need to let Charlotte ride out her push before we put some else in the title picture."

You nodded, "Okay, but tell me one thing." He nodded. "Are you gonna punish TJ for what I said out there," you questioned.

He shook his head, "We won't punish TJ for what you did."

"Thank you. I'll try to trust the system more, thanks Mark," you said as you left the room.

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