Chapter one

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"Rose it's time to get up. It's time for college," my mum shook me awake.
"Ok give me a minute," I told her then she left.
I got ready for school but my twin brother remi had a different idea. "Mum has taken my car keys from me so you need to drive me to school," Remi told me. "Alright but we are going to school. No stopping or ditching ok," I warned him. "Yes ma'me," he saluted. Remi is younger than me so he usually listens to me but sometimes he talks me into to doing some crazy stuff. One time we ditched school and we went on a shopping spree and we got caught by our mum. "Bye mum love you," we both said then left.

Half way to school Remi told me to pull over for a minute so he could look for his key because he thought he left it at home. "Let's ditch. It's only college and it's no good to us anyway," Remi blurted out. "No we are going in wether you like it or not," I told him trying to be stern. "Come on rose it will be fun. Plleeaasssee," he said with puppy eyes. "Finneee. If we get caught your taking the blame," I told him. We went to a shopping centre to get a coffee and something to eat. "Let's go to Starbucks, I heard they do good drinks in there," Remi nudged me. "Ok just lead the way I don't care where we go," I smiled at him. Every time we came to this shopping centre he would look like a child seeing a pony for the first time. I got a cappuccino and Remi got a iced mango drink. We sat down just talking about things. "So, is there anyone special?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Shut up, and no there's not. I'll tell you when i get a boyfriend ok," I told him. Remi started blabbing that he liked my best friend Brody. I loved Brody like a sister since it was just me and Remi. She was always there when I needed a girl talk. "That's weird, I'm pretty sure Brody likes you as well," I looked at him. "Really. Should I ask her out or something. What should I do?" He asked. Before I could answer him two men walked in the shop with guns and started shouting. "Put the money in the bag," one shouted while the other kept watch. The barista emptied the til and put all the money in the bag. The guys had guns so I pulled Remi under table and covered him with my body. What else was i supposed to do, he is my little brother I had to protect him. "Everyone stay on the ground," he yelled then turned away to leave. He caught my eye and pulled down the bandana that was covering his face and smiled at me. Then he was gone.

After I knew it was safe, I let Remi up. "Come on. Let's go home," I pulled him to the car. "Mum and dad don't hear about this ok," I told him. "They won't know, don't worry," he replied. We got home and Remi looked really pale and sick, I think he was in shock from what happened. "I'm going to bed for a little. I'm not feeling to great," he yawned. "Ok just call me if you need anything, I'll be down here," I told him and he left. I was sat on the sofa for about 2 hours before Brody called me. "Hey girl what's up?" I asked. "My mum and dad are arguing again. Can we go shopping and get Remi to come along as well," she explained. "He might not want to come since something happened earlier today but I'll ask him," I replied. "Ok I'm almost there. I'll honk when I'm outside, bye," she said then hung up. I went up to Remi's room to see if he wanted to come shopping. "Remi. I'm going shopping with Brody, do you wanna come?" I asked him. "No I wanna sleep. I'll call Brody later," he groaned then rolled over. "Alright, remember though, call me if you need anything, love you," I told him. "Love you to," he said then went back to sleep. I went outside to wait for Brody to pull up, a couple minutes passed and she turned up. 

"Hey, Remi didn't want to come but he said he'll call you later," I told her while getting into the passenger side. "No problem. I just needed to get out of the house. Get away from all the shouting," she rolled her eyes. "Anyway Remi likes you. He was telling me about it today," I said as she drove out of my road. "Really, might take him up on that when he calls me," she wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Brody mills do you like my twin brother?" I pretended to act shocked. "No... maybe... a little... fine yes. I like Remi," she sighed. "Well I wouldn't want Remi with anyone else. Anyway I think you two will make a cute couple," I giggled. "Shut up," Brody punched my arm playfully. We got to the shopping centre. Brody wanted new clothes so we went all over the place. After Brody payed for all her things my dad called me. "Rose I need you to come home now. I'll explain everything when you get here," my dad told me then hung up. "Brody I need to leave can you take me home?" I asked her. "Of course, lets go," she replied.

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