Chapter 32

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Roses POV

The morning of my scan I woke up throwing ups again. It was a good thing connie had a pregnancy test when she did other wise I would have gone crazy. Salvatore and I got ready to take Luna to try and get her into a school. She went to nursery so she was ready to move up. "You ready Luna?" I asked her. "Yes mummy," she smiled. Salvatore took us to the closest school in London. When we got there, we got out of the car and went to the office. "Hello, we would like to send our daughter to school here," I told the man behind the desk. "Ok, I will get an interview with the head teacher," the man smiled and told us to take a seat. Luna sat on my lap and Salvatore and I talked. "Rose Di'Angelo, would you like to follow me," a tall man came up to us. Salvatore was a little taller than the man so I think he got intimidated by Salvatore. We stood up and all followed the man to a small office. Once again we sat down and Luna sat on my lap. "We have a space for your daughter to join this school, all I need you to do is fill out a form and get her a school uniform," the man told me. "Ok. Luna has my last name but we are getting married soon, do I put my name or her dads?" I asked. "Whatever Luna wants," he replied. I filled out the sheet and signed it, Salvatore also signed. "Ok baby girl, do you want Luna Di'Angelo it Luna Carter ?" I asked her. "I want my name," she told me. Luna had been called Luna Di'Angelo all her life so she wanted it to stay the same throughout her school life. "Are you sure?" I wanted to be 100% with her answer. Luna nodded her head at me. I wrote Luna Di'Angelo on the piece of paper and passed it back to the head teacher. "Perfect. All Luna needs is school uniform and shoes and she can start Monday," the man stood up. Salvatore and I stood up as well and shook the mans hand. "Thank you," I said and we left. "Can you drop me off at the doctors, it's almost time for my appointment?" I asked Salvatore as we drove out of the school. "Yeah, sure. Do you need me there?" Salvatore replied. "No I'll be fine, just take Luna home and I'll call you when I need picking up," I told him. Soon, Salvatore dropped me off at the doctors and I went in. I had connie sneak away from nick as I didn't want to do it on my own, I know Salvatore should have been there but I wanted my best friend there with me. "Hey connie, thanks for doing this with me," I hugged her. "No problem, I didn't have anything else to do other than watch the guys," Connie smiled. We walked in and I checked in. "How come you didn't want Salvatore here with you?" Connie asked me. "I only took one test, it might be wrong so I don't want him getting angry in a doctors place where there are kids," I told her. "Personally I think you are. The signs are all there, you have thrown up and your late," Connie reassured me. "I know but I just want to be 100% sure," I told her. 20 minutes later the doctor came out. "Rose Di'Angelo?" She called out. Connie and I stood up and followed the woman to a room. "If you just take a seat, a doctor will be with you in a minute," the doctor told me. I layed down on the bed and Connie sat on one of the chairs. "Hello rose, I'm doctor Taylor, I have been told your here for an ultrasound?" A male came in. "Mark?" I asked. "Rose," mark said. "What the hell, you got your degree?" I got up and hugged him. "And your pregnant, last time we spoke was 4 almost 5 years ago," mark exclaimed. "Yeah I know, baby number 3," I laughed. "Damn, you must want a football field then. Your what... 22," mark smiled. "Yeah, my fiancé wants a lot of kids," I told him. "Ok let's see what your dealing with then," mark motioned me to lay down again. I climbed on the bed and let mark to the rest. He put the gel on my belly and started the scan. "Ok, there's one," he said. "Oh my god!" He exclaimed. "What, is it ok?" I panicked. "Everything is fine rose, your having twins," mark smiled. "Both looking very healthy," he added. "Twins?" I breathed out. "Yeah, I'll be back in a second with pictures," mark gave me a wipe and left. Once I cleaned myself up, I turned to Connie. "Omg rose! Your having twins," Connie squealed. "I know, I'm definitely going to break Salvatore's hand this time," I laughed. "Here you go. And did you say Salvatore?" Mark handed me my scan photos and asked about Salvatore. "Yeah, that's my fiancé," I told him. "What? Salvatore Carter, the one that's in the biggest gang in London?" Mark furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, how do you know him?" I asked. "I know that son of a bitch cos he's my cousin, shall world huh. We become friends in primary school and grow up together, then you get engaged to Salvatore," mark chuckled. "Yeah and you were a pain in the ass as a kid, my brother is not the only son of a bitch here," Connie joked and hugged mark. "And she finally speaks, hows nick, you to still hitting it off?" Mark played around. "We actually got married a couple weeks ago, we also have a 3 year old," Connie smiled. "A little Lopez, never thought I would see the day," mark chuckled. "So how are you two related?" I asked. "We're not, I'm Diana's nephew, her sister died along with connie's dad, they were partners in crime them two, inseparable, it still a fresh wound but I had my dad there," mark sighed. "Anyway, I have some jobs to do, nice to see you again rose, connie, tell your brother he's a son of a bitch," mark laughed and took us out the room. "Thank you mark, I really appreciate it," I hugged him once more. "Anything for you mi amor," he smirked. "I'm engaged, that name can't stick," I punched his arm playfully. "Sorry, how does bruja sound?" Mark laughed again. "A witch, your never going to get a girl calling them a witch," I laughed with him. We said our goodbyes and left. Connie took me home so I didn't have to wait for Salvatore. Connie just told me to tell Salvatore that she was doing some business and offered to take me home.

When we got home I went straight to find Salvatore and the kids. All three were in Henry's room playing. "Salvatore, I got results," I walked into the room. "Hey baby what's up?" He stood up. "Mark called you a son of a bitch," I giggled a little. "I'm gonna him later. Wait how do you know mark?" He looked confused. "We went to school together and was close, we were to close as friends for anything else to happen don't worry," I laughed. "So what did you wanna tell me?" Salvatore changed the subject. "I got pictures from today, do you want to see them?" I had my hands behind my back. Salvatore nodded so I gave him the scan photos. It's so small," he commented. "Wait, does that say baby A and baby B?" Salvatore looked at me. All I did was smile which made his face light up. "Twins," he breathed out with a smile. "Yeah, were going to have four kids," I told him.

"We really are going to have a football field," Salvatore chuckled

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"We really are going to have a football field," Salvatore chuckled. "Whatever makes you happy," I smiled. "Mummy where's the baby?" Henry asked. "Here's a picture," I showed him and Luna the photo and once again they got really excited.

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