Chapter 76

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5 months later

Luna's POV

Now I was 8 months pregnant and Elijah kicked a lot more. He didn't wait until me and Damon went to kiss anymore, he just did it. One morning I woke up with a sharp pain. "Damon," I nudged him. "What's up?" He sat up. "It really hurts," I winced. "Wait, is the baby coming?" He started to panic. "No, I think it might just be Braxton hicks, but I'm not sure," I replied. "Once the pain passed I got my phone to call mark. "Hey Luna, what's up?" Mark answered. "I think I'm getting Braxton hicks but I'm not to sure," I told him. "How long is the pains apart?" He questioned me. "I had my first one a couple minutes ago," I told him then winced in pain. "Ok, get Damon to touch your belly," mark replied. "Mark told me to tell you to touch my belly," I turned to Damon then put the phone on speaker. "What am I feeling for exactly?" Damon felt around my bump. "Is it soft or hard?" Mark sighed. "Soft," Damon replied. "Ok, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Braxton hick but come by the doctors tomorrow and we'll have a look at what position the baby is in," mark told us. "Ok, thanks mark. Sorry for calling so early," I apologised. "No problem Luna that's what I'm here for," he then hung up. "God that hurt," I layed back down. "At least we don't have to worry about a baby coming today," Damon smiled. "I'm going back to sleep," I sighed and closed my eyes.

Elijah woke me up by kicking me lightly. Damon's alarm was supposed to go off but I woke up earlier so I decided to get ready.

Two months ago I gave up trying to hide the fact that I was pregnant as I was getting really big

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Two months ago I gave up trying to hide the fact that I was pregnant as I was getting really big. I put on a black dress then went to get something to eat. Damon was already dressed and had a cup of coffee. "I made you a cup," Damon passed me a coffee, Lexi and Henry came down smiling. "What you guys smiling about?" I looked at them weirdly. "We heard you early this morning. In a couple weeks little Elijah will be here," Lexi's smile got wider. "So your excited because I've only got a couple weeks left, then you can meet my baby," I tried to understand. "Exactly," Henry replied. "Weirdos," I rolled my eyes then drank my coffee. "Is everyone ready to go to school?" Damon asked. "Yeah," me, Lexi and Henry all stood up then went to the car. Half way to school I got another braxton hick. "Mother fucker," I winced. "You alright baby?" Damon grabbed my hand. "Yeah, Braxton hicks," i squeezed Damon's hand. "Is it over?" Damon turned to me when my grip loosened. "Yeah," I breathed out. "Damn, you handled that well," Henry sounded shocked. "Thanks bro, not how you feeling just, damn you handled that well," I said sarcastically. "What else am I supposed to say?" He asked. "Something comforting. Like, are you alright or just let her squeeze your hand until you lose all feeling in it," Damon joined in. "That better not be how you talk when we have our first," Lexi snapped. "Not for a couple years, that way I'll be able to get better at it," Henry smiled. Damon parked the car and we all got out. As we were walking through the corridors I got another pain. Damon quickly gave me his hand and put his other arm around my waist. "Just breath through it," Damon whispered in my ear. I took deep breaths and calmed down. When the pain stopped, I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me. "What has no one seen a pregnant girl before, come on stop stating," I called out. Damon and Lexi took me to mr Greene's class as we had English first. "Hello Luna how you feeling today?" Mr Greene sounded happy like always. "Well I feel like I'm carrying one hundred pounds and on top of that I've now started getting Braxton hicks," I sat down on my usual seat. Damon and Lexi came to sit either side of me as Enzo has tried to get close to me again. Enzo has spread rumours that Elijah is his not Damon's but everyone knows he's Damon's not Enzo's. "hey babe, how's the baby?" Enzo came up to me. "I'm not your babe and my baby is none of your concern now fuck off," I snapped. "Woah calm down," Enzo told me. "Did you just tell me to calm down?" I started getting angry. "Yes now take a chill pill," he replied. "You better get away from my girlfriend and baby before I beat the crap out of you again," Damon stood up. "Go ahead," Enzo smirked. Damon pushes Enzo and started punching him repeatedly. "Damon that's enough," mr Greene shouted. "Your lucky me Greene's here other wise you might not have made it out of this class room alive," Damon come to sit back down. "Ah shit," another pain hit me. I grabbed Damon and he did what he did very time. He put one arm around my waist and his other hand for me to hold. "Luna!" I heard Enzo shout. "Stay the fuck away from me Enzo. This baby is not yours and he never will be," I managed to get out through all the pain. Damon relaxed his hand while I squeezed it really hard.

The school day ended quickly and I had to got to get a scan from mark. "Hey mark," I waved at him. He took me and Damon into the usual room and I layed down. "Ok, he's head down quite far, I say you've only got a couple days to a week until he's here. Take my advise Luna, don't go to school anymore, Damon same goes for you. Your going to need to be here when Luna goes into labour," mark told us seriously. "Make tomorrow both your last days as you might not be going back for the rest of the year," mark warned us. We left the doctors and went home. "Hey darling what did mark say?" My mum asked. "Hes very low down and could be here any day now, tomorrow's mine and Damon's last day at school. Orders from mark," I replied. "Ok, that's fine, just be careful if your this close," my mum warned. "Yes mum," I smiled at her. That night I went to bed with really bad pains but it wasn't that bad where I couldn't sleep.

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