Chapter 17

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Roses POV

"Come on let's get ready," I told Salvatore. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Your mum needs to meet Luna, so let's go," I told him. Over the last 3 months I had been to see Diana a couple times. We would talk about Salvatore and there were times that I would cry on her shoulder because I was scared that he would leave me again. Every time, Diana told me not to stress too much and she was always there when I needed her. Salvatore said he wanted a shower so I took Luna back to my room to change her clothes. I wanted her to look adorable when Diana met her granddaughter.

When Salvatore was dressed and ready to leave, I was done changing Luna

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When Salvatore was dressed and ready to leave, I was done changing Luna. Salvatore put Luna in the car seat and put her in the car. It was around 6pm so the others wanted to stay home and order in food. They offered to wait until me and Salvatore got home but we said we would eat with Diana. Before we left I packed a bag that had formula and a bottle in, I had put pampers in the bag as well. When I put all that Luna would need in the bag I put my shoes on and we left. Salvatore was a little more confident in driving with Luna now but not 100% there yet. It didn't take us long to get to Diana's house. "You ready?" Salvatore asked. "Yeah. She needs to know. Meet Luna sooner rather than later," I replied with a smile. We got out of the car and Salvatore got Luna. She was asleep but I knew she would wake up soon to be fed. "Are you ready to do this?" I asked Salvatore. "Not gonna lie. I'm a bit nervous. She's gonna be so pissed at me," he sighed. "Why?" I was confused. "Rose, I'm 20, your 17, she's gonna kick my ass for getting you pregnant," he told me. "Well timing wasn't great with the ages but she won't mind when she sets her eyes on Luna," I smiled. We walked to the front door and knocked. As usual Diana answered and stepped out to hug us. She went to me first then glared at Salvatore until she noticed the car seat. "She's here?" Diana squealed a little. "Yeah she came yesterday," I smiled. "Let's go inside. I wanna see her," she pulled me through the door while Salvatore followed us. Diana sat on a one of her usual chairs while me and Salvatore sat on a sofa. Salvatore lifted Luna out and passed her to Diana. Like the some of the guys at home she started tearing up. "She's so cute," Diana whispered then wiped away her tears. "She's going to grow into a beautiful young lady just like her mother. But she will be like her father in some ways," she smiled. "Thank you Diana," I replied. "We need to talk soon Salvatore. Just you and me," Diana faced him. "Yes mum," he looked at the floor. Soon after, Luna started crying so I took her from Diana and fed her. While I was busy with Luna, Diana and Salvatore left to go speak.

Salvatore's POV

"I'm happy for you Salvatore, but she's 17. She should be in school not being a mother and be in your gang," my mum sighed. "I know mum, I kind of fucked up with that," I told her. "Well there's nothing to change that now. What about the whore you knocked up?" She asked. "I haven't seen Emma in months and I haven't bothered to contact her," I explained. "Don't bother with her. Girls like her are unfaithful, the kid might not even be yours. Don't bother with Emma, stay focused on the girl out there and that baby girl," my mum demanded. Even though I was old enough to make decisions, I never went behind my mums back. "Your right. Ok I'll stay focused on Luna and rose," I told her. "Your poor father, he's probably doing flips in his grave. What you have done to rose should have never been brought upon anyone. If I ever see that you have broke her heart again, I will personally beat your ass myself, am I understood?" I hated it when my mum brought up my dad, but I knew if he was still alive, my ass would have already been beat. My dad hated it when he saw a man disrespected a woman, that's how he raised me so I know for a fact he would have gone crazy. "I understand mum. I would have already been beat if dad was still here," I replied. She gave me a hug then we went back to rose. She had already fed and burped Luna and she was asleep. "Can I have one more hug before you take her away?" My mum asked rose. "Of course, I won't stop you at any time," Rose smiled. We stayed at my mums for about half an hour until we decided to go back home. When we got home it was 8:30pm and I was thinking about what my mum had said. 'Focus on rose and that baby girl, forget about Emma' her words rang in my ear. "You ok?" Rose pulled me out of my own thoughts. "Yeah, just thinking," I sighed. "Wanna talk about it?" She asked. "Not really, I just wanna go lay down," I told her. We pulled up outside the house and parked up. Rose wanted to take Luna in the house this time but I was there if she needed me to take the car seat from her. She managed to get to the front door then she needed me to take Luna from her. "You ok?" I asked rose. "Yeah, it was a bit of a struggle to carry her all the way inside," she told me. Rose and I went straight to her room and layed Luna down, Rose had put a white baby grow on Luna so she would be more comfortable. Once Luna was settled rose layed down on the bed with me. "What would you say if I asked you for a chance?" I asked. "For our daughters sake, I would say yes. But you have hurt me too many times to not think about the bad you have done," she sighed. "But, I am willing to give another chance," she added. "Really?" I asked. Rose nodded her head. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. It started slow and soft then it turned fast and rough. Rose pulled away sooner than i wanted her to but I didn't mind, I had finally got her back. "I love you," I kissed her neck as she put her back to my chest and pulled my arm over waist. "I love you to," she whispered and went to sleep. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited to get rose back, but Luna had me worried. She would make small noises in her sleep but be fine soon after, even if I tried to sleep I couldn't. I was fine with it though, I could watch both my beautiful girls sleep. My dad would have been proud of me for making things right, he can finally rest in peace now.

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