Chapter 79

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Luna's POV

Damon had woken up and we got ready to leave. It took a while for the doctor to let me go but we did it. "You ready to take our son home?" Damon smiled at me. "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied. He picked up the car seat then we signed out. I still had a bad feeling in my gut but I didn't mention it. The reason for it I don't know but all I know is that it was not good one bit. "Can you strap in Elijah, I'm really tired?" I asked Damon. "Of course baby, get in the car," he smiled. He gave me a kiss then I got into the passenger side. Elijah was behind me, he was sleeping since I fed him before we left. Damon got into the drivers side then started driving. We got on to a main road. One side was packed but the side we was on was clear. "I love you," Damon looked at me and smiled. "I love you more," I put my hand on his then a loud bang sounded. I heard sirens around me.

When I got my head back to normal, I looked up to see someone dragging Damon and Elijah out of the car. It looked like Damon wasn't moving then my heart sank. I quickly got out of the car and ran over to Damon. A lady had Elijah in her arms since he was crying but she stood really close to me. Damon was layed on the ground, his chest wasn't moving then tears came rolling down my cheeks. "He's not breathing. Someone call an ambulance," one guy shouted. Another person called an ambulance then police ran over to us. "I need an ambulance on the M24 ASAP. There's been a crash one person appears not to be breathing," a police officer said into his radio. "Damon, Damon. Come back to me, you need to come back," I sobbed and pulled him close to me. "Miss, what happened?" The officer asked me. "We were driving home from the hospital, we had our first baby yesterday, he looked at me for one moment then there was a loud bang," I explained. "Ok, I need to know your name and his," the man put his hand on my shoulder. "Luna Di'Angelo and Damon Gomez," I told him. A couple minutes passed and there was two ambulances, one took Damon then sped off to the hospital while the other one stayed to check on me and Elijah. "Your baby is fine, there's nothing to worry about. You are all good, only a cut on your head," a doctor told me. She passed me Elijah and took us to the hospital. I was put in the waiting room, Elijah in his car seat by my feet. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I called my mum.

Roses POV

I was sat in the living room waiting for Luna nd Damon to get home with Elijah. "Hey baby what's wrong?" Luna called me. "There was an accident and Damon wasn't breathing, mum I'm so scared," I heard Luna sob through the phone. "I'll be right there," I told her and hung up. "Salvatore we gotta go," I shouted for him. He came running down the stairs. "What's going on?" He asked. "There was an accident, Damon wasn't breathing," I could feel my heartbeat get quicker as tears formed in my eyes. "Ok let's go," we hurried out of the door. As we passed the M24 we saw Damon's car, the front of the car was all broke and there was glass everywhere. "It'll be ok, Damon will be alright," Salvatore put his hand on my thigh but worry and fear lacing his voice. When we got to the hospital I saw Luna then ran over to her. I pulled her into a hug while Salvatore went to Elijah. "Mum he wasn't breathing, I don't know what to do," Luna sobbed into my shoulder. "It'll be ok," I tried to comfort her. Luna had finally calmed down and took a seat. Salvatore had taken Elijah home but left Luna and I at the hospital for results.

Luna's POV

My mum and dad turned up. I calmed down after a while, my dad had taken Elijah home so I could focus on Damon. After 5 hours of waiting for results, mark came out. "Luna," he sighed. "I'm so sorry, Damon didn't make it. The crash gave him internal bleeding in the brain and he died," mark told me. He had tears in his eyes as he was very close to our family. "Your lying, that's not true," I could feel my own tears flow down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Luna, we did everything we could but he was to weak to fight, I'm so sorry," a couple tears rolled down marks cheek. When his words entered my ears, I collapsed in the floor and cried out. My mum and mark hugged me as tight as they could. "Is there anywhere we can take her?" I heard my mum ask mark. "Yeah, follow me," he replied. My mum pulled me up to my feet and helped me walk to a different room. I saw people giving me looks of sympathy so I guessed they heard. Mark lead us into a little private room where we could sit. "Luna, talk to me," I heard my mum sniffle a bit. "He can't be gone, he can't be. Elijah needs him, I need him," I cried harder. "I know baby girl, I know," my mum pulled my head towards her, she stroked my hair to comfort me.

After half an hour of sitting in that room, mark came back in. He sat opposite me then started taking. "We have arranged for Damon to have a funeral next week on Wednesday," mark told me. "I have sorted everything out. He is to be buried but I need his full name and date of birth," he added. "Damon Elijah Gomez, born on the 14th of April 2000," I replied. "Ok, the best thing for you to do now is go home. I will send him to a funeralcare home so if you want to see him you can," with that mark left. My mum had to drag me out of the hospital, we waited until griffin came to get us. Griffin didn't talk to me, all he did was pull me into a tight hug while I sobbed into his chest. "I can't believe he's gone," I cried out. "I know Luna, I know," griffin rubbed my back. We got into the car and went home. Griffin took all the back roads to avoid the M24. When we got home I walked in to see a lot of people sat in the living room. Hugo, Nick, Bentley, Robbie, Amber, Connie, jessica, violet, Lynn, Lexi, Henry, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole, Sadie, milo and my dad all looked at me when I walked in. "Where's Damon?" Lexi asked, worry in her voice. "He didn't make it," I broke down again. Gasps filled the room as Lexi hugged me. All at once everyone pulled me into their arms. The only ones that didn't hug me was Jaques, Cole, Sadie and milo as they didn't know what was going on. "What's going on?" Sadie asked me. I bent down to her level and told her. "While Damon was bringing me and Elijah home, we had a car accident. Damon hit his head," I stopped, more tears rolled down my cheek. "Damon hit his head and he died," I continued. "Will he be back soon?" Sadie asked. "No baby girl," I told her. "Will he ever come back?" She questioned me. I could hear Connie crying behind me at her daughters words. "No sadie, we won't see Damon again," I replied softly. "Is that why everyone is crying? Because we won't see Damon again?" Cole came up to me. "Yes Cole," I looked down. "Dak and Hunter, take Jaques, Cole and the twins to play," my mum told them. "Mum," Dakota started crying. "Please," I sighed. With that Dakota and hunter took the younger ones out of the room. "When will the funeral be?" Nick asked. "Next week on Wednesday," I stood up. "Where's Elijah?" I turned to my dad. "He's sleeping in yours and-," he replied but stopped. "I'm sorry Luna," my dad hugged me. "Thanks," I pulled away and walked to Elijah. He was laying peacefully in his Moses basket, since Elijah was ok, I flopped on my bed. I started crying, I went to feel the side of the bed expecting Damon to me there but it was empty, I felt empty. I knew I had to stay strong to raise Elijah but the thought of him not growing up without a father killed me.

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